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480 posts total

There aren't more than like 10 people on fedi. The rest is just bots. Watch me post this from my other accounts


Nah, you know what, I don’t want another Amsterdam in Dublin. Not gonna comment, just unfollow.


Once, I came to some sort of school party with my hair down, wearing makeup and a dress. I was around 16, I think. It was a lot of fun!
Looking back, though:
a) Russia was a very different place back then. I wasn’t even teased, iirc, let alone any repercussions. Not smth possible today :(
b) (rabbithole of thoughts)


Again, the instance was down, so now I’m getting older toots (because retries), and just a day ago it was so optimistic.
Also, need more filters :(


Well, not really lol, tbh, more like :sad_panda:


My instance was dead the the last few days, and, to be honest, with the news, I kinda wish it was dead for a few more...


People didn't believe me when I warned them that Apple wouldn't stop with the Magic Mouse.

(@NanoRaptor is my spirit animal)

New Mac Mini 2024 model, showing the underside and back, but the AC power outlet is on the underside panel.
David Schuetz

@foo @NanoRaptor @siracusa It’s designed to sit over the little hole in the corner of the desktop.


a) no, you can't use #metoo to say "me too" in a general context
b) We have a _what_ channel in slack?

Screenshot of a slack link to a channel called "metoo"
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Mark von Übelgarten

@cstross They have sensors because the builders know how we'll act. So I saw one of these once and instinctively petted her head and she meowed back ...


There's a t-shirt idea contest at work. I've submitted "TODO: change this after we decide the winner". Not gonna win, but happy with myself.


In England "booster shot" is spelled "borchestershire shot"

dreaves :prami:

@yourfutureex This is a surprisingly topical joke, if it is accidental: the long-running BBC Radio 4 rural drama _The Archers_ is based in fictional Borsetshire with the county town being Borchester. There was a brief plot moment with a middle-aged character going for his flu jab, but he’s afraid of needles; thankfully his son is a medic-in-training and was the one to administer the vaccination.

Anyway, while I’m in France, in a marina, stuck for the next week, have a photo. iPhone 16 pro, pro raw.
a marina at night. The water is black and still, making a perfect mirror for the masts of the boats which are dense and reflect, making the picture look like a waveform.

Anyone had any success running a personal Archivebox instance? I got the thing running, but integrating with browsers and mobile is _pain_ %(


@labria I use the archivebox exporter in chrome and some hacky module in obsidian to get access to the archive.


Been trying Zen as the main browser for a few days, and, tbh, it's good enough and doesn't have chrome inside.

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