Offenbar gab es gestern einen antisemitischen Pogrom in Amsterdam.
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Open on LittleAlex 🇺🇦🇮🇱🇩🇪🇳🇴Anrede:
Eure Heiligkeit
Your Holyness
Personal infoAbout:
Something with IT Security... I love old computers and hate authoritarian people. Former leftie, now political homeless. Toxic behavior of the left is covered as "respectful behavior", but it's often just bullying. After many years on #mastodon I am about to switch back to #twittter Waaaaay more relevant information and less people telling each other how right they are. Former account is deleted!
Wall 5 posts
Offenbar gab es gestern einen antisemitischen Pogrom in Amsterdam. #german is easy. I mean really easy and logical. It follows a very simple system and I cannot understand why people are complaining. It's so easy, I learned it when I was just one year old. 🤔​
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LMAO If I didn't already know it, I would never start learning #German after this cartoon. |
That's the best sumary to the antisemitic pogrome in Amsterdam, yet.
#antisemitism #pogrome #amsterdam #nederland