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13 posts total
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@memes what DE is that I need it right this instant
monnie :verified_trans: :verifiedbisexual:

@memes Another video she made "how to block snap and flatpak" she only wants native packages, based

@memes This video just got recommended to me lol
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@memes Be glad the kernel did not advise to reap the zombies!

(TBH the lingo in Unix process management _is_ quite weird. Discussions about the finer points of process management can get pretty morbid pretty easily. Sometimes I wish it were different.)


@memes them when it’s on the TV: wtf

me: omg my TV is a Linux distro??? :D

memes :sweeney:

we're running low and i mean low on memes so this is your reminder to dm good memes and submit them to the form

skateboard cat

memes :sweeney:

elons an asshat but this one made me chuckle

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