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5 posts total
malena 👟👟

if you’ve ever tried to organize political change irl, you know that broad appeals on social media are a footnote to your real work of spreadsheets, phone calls, knocking on doors, and learning how to meet folks where they’re at & catalyze action. you know you don’t turn out your votes or actions by posting, and you definitely know that insulting people is not persuasive and gives your cause a bad name

malena 👟👟

viciously blaming all current problems on hypothetical leftists or nonvoters is a big win for fascists: they really want you sitting at your keyboard enraged at your own base or an abstract left wing. because then you’re not out building community with vulnerable people, you’re not having nuanced and intelligent discussion with folk who have different life experiences, you’re not — to put it bluntly — practicing the kind of solidarity that defeats fascism

malena 👟👟

there is no such thing as free shipping.

there is just amazon undercutting thousands of small businesses by creating that illusion

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malena 👟👟

i can ship gorgeous wild coho salmon that we've caught aboard our own fishing boat, smoked and preserved by a small independent business, but if i offer you free shipping, i make negative money! its the same for all the people out there selling stuff they've made or grown or harvested...

lee :Fire_Trans:

@seachanger alternately there's products with the cost of shipping already built in, but that's still not free


@seachanger The ability to get stuff the next day, at my door, and not pay a premium for the privilege is a miracle. Deal with it.

malena 👟👟

I think mastodon and the fediverse could benefit from a more universal system of clearly classifying server communities by moderation activity and fediblock level. it’s ok for servers to have different priorities, but part of helping people pick the right one has to be helping people easily understand their differences at sign up. I know others have called for this, just add my name to the petition

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@seachanger I agree. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just a set of symbols to reflect moderation practices.Was just recommending a similar thing today..yesterday? whenever Monday was.


@seachanger @fediversereport Doesn’t basically do this already? It doesn’t show blocks, but the each server shows that once you pick one.


@seachanger The descriptions under instances is piss poor, making it very hard to choose which to sign up to.

malena 👟👟

bad reply guys are one of fedi/mastodon’s biggest problems.

I’m realizing it’s not only a demographic issue but a structural one with the platform. if people cannot easily see one another’s replies, and if the original poster can’t easily QT replies, someone with a popular post has to field dozens of nearly identical replies. if these replies enforce white supremacy or patriarchy (spoiler: they often do), the structure of mastodon tends to center and amplify white supremacy &patriarchy

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🔶Mark Nicoll 3.5%🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇳

@seachanger if the problem is that those posts can't be seen, how can it also be a problem that those same posts are being amplified?


@seachanger i have linked & shamed the worst of replies and it was effective (it's not a full solution, but just saying that it has been effective for me to link & shame)

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@seachanger One way I handle this sometimes is replying and boosting my reply. Then sometimes my followers will also reply to that person. I'm not sure of all the affordances at play but I think it can increase odds both the reply-er and maybe other would-be reply-ers will get the message. (Ironically I'm going to do this now, but not bc I think you need more replies!)

malena 👟👟

beautiful to watch this online community evolve in real time as people make it their own

malena 👟👟

there’s a lotta love here. pay attention to that

bojack horseman

@seachanger for sure it's a good time for the fediverse, i truly hope to see healthy and much more huge community in days to come

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