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malena 👟👟

i can ship gorgeous wild coho salmon that we've caught aboard our own fishing boat, smoked and preserved by a small independent business, but if i offer you free shipping, i make negative money! its the same for all the people out there selling stuff they've made or grown or harvested...

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@seachanger wait... you can? you do?!?! this is relevant to my interests 🧐

malena 👟👟

aaaand if you want me to ship our hand caught, wild coho to you or a loved one you can order here and i'll ship it USPS myself. i'm in full santa's workshop mode and delivering to post office by bike!

Stéphanie Pageau

@seachanger Can you only ship to the US? I'm not sure how it works with fish!

malena 👟👟

@stephanie i have shipped over seas but it's been a while and i forget the process...

Stéphanie Pageau

@seachanger I'm in Canada, so in the middle of all your shipping spots 😆

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

so many NYC fishmongers closed down after Hurricane Sandy (2012) haven't been able to find good everyday fish in downtown outside of Chinatown. the situation is dire for a g'damn island.

same with butchers. we lost ours down in the East Village. have to go up to East Harlem now.

supermarkets aren't substitutes for butchers nor fishmongers. i want peeps who buy directly from ranchers and fishers.

NYC's real estate mafia is killing a lot of these food traditions.

@stephanie @seachanger

Corvid Crone

@seachanger bookmarked!

For years, I begged my mom to tell my grandma to stop gendering the Christmas gifts where the boys get smoked salmon and I (the only girl) get fruit or flowers. I want salmon too! It's not a proper holiday without it!

Kristin ( Admin)

@seachanger Ooooh! This is so very tempting.

Would you mind describing the texture of the smoked fish?

malena 👟👟

@kristinHenry It is kind of in between a traditional canned salmon product and a more lightly preserved smoked salmon that would need to be refrigerated.

So it's not like a lox product, more like canned tuna, except a lot more flavorful and firmer?

Here are some customer photos/dishes which might help...


@seachanger one made it to my aunt and uncle today!

malena 👟👟

Idk, “free shipping” is up there with “the cloud” in terms of corporate myth making that obscures predatory practices, it requires a suspension of disbelief that just so happens to really benefit the individual customer

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