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531 posts total
Mandu 🥟

A sea shanty about the stupid truck is exactly what I needed today

blaine_strange @ :tiktok:

Mandu 🥟

Another sea shanty mocking the dumb truck

halliesofree @ tktk

Mandu 🥟

How Insurance Works

(reposting because I can't find the original post.)

4-panel comic from pizzacake comic describing how insurance works. 

Woman (looking at viewer): Today we're going to learn about insurance!

Woman (looking at insurance): Hey insurance, I am injured and need some of that money I gave you in case I get injured.

Woman representing insurance, wearing top hat, diamond necklace, gold chain, holding a cigar, and surrounded by money bags: No

Woman (looking at viewer): And that's how insurance works!
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Flex Foot

@yurnidiot i had a doctor prescribe me with preventative medicine. my claim was denied. later when my case got worse, my doctor prescribed me life saving medicine. my claim was denied. the insurance wanted to know why we hadn't tried preventative medicine first. it was all very cool and good


The problem with this comic is that it's showing a human saying "no". That's less and less the case and one of the things frequently mentioned in the aftermath of UHC's "big hearted" CEO getting gunned down.

🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🐧 🥦

@yurnidiot Yes, the ideal business model they strive for is similar to casinos. Have people give you money and give them nothing in return as much as possible.

Mandu 🥟

oh good, you're awake! I definitely wasn't sitting here watching you sleep for the last hour


Mandu 🥟

and that's when the cat realized the piano wasn't just a fancy shelf


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George Dinwiddie

I'm glad we don't have a piano. One of our cats gets startled by his own shadow.

Joel VanderWerf

@yurnidiot John Cage's piece "Nope in F major for cat and piano"

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