half Halloween, half pumpkin spice latte
be cat, do crime
@yurnidiot soggy criminal
@yurnidiot π²π±π
@yurnidiot Fuck around, find out!
when your cat demands artisanal hand-flicked water
#Caturday #Bleptember
double trouble, one in fur, one in shade
have a derpy lazy sunday
universal cat rule: in case of thunder, hide under furniture
#Caturday #dogs
dreaming of a world where mlems solve all problems
Namaste in your shirt all day
mom, he's touching me again!
unboxing videos but for cats
leaf me alone, I'm having a meowment
:insta: @ burma_viadilusso
got it. quick question... how do I drive?
I do not trust this magic tube. what's its end game?
Caution: long weekend vibes incoming
I will not be defeated by your dusting device, Linda. *π£π’π±-π£π’π±-π£π’π±-π£π’π±-π£π’π±-π£π’π±-π£π’π±*
let's put a smile on that face πΈ
this job is literally sucking all nine lives out of me
sing it with me
πΆ Whoa oh We're half way there Whoa oh ...
they must be chill pills because that is one restrained kitty
:insta: @ pixel.n.friends