Partners in monochrome mischief
#Caturday #Dogs
@yurnidiot It's neat how even the actual pattern is so close between the two.
@yurnidiot very "thick as thieves" :ablobgrin:
@yurnidiot so darned cute. Cat is the ringleader. 😃
@yurnidiot Twin critters of different mothers 🐕 🐈
@yurnidiot cute
@yurnidiot That last shot is perfection. LoL
@yurnidiot :blobcatlove: :awesome:
@yurnidiot 🤣👍 Bandit 1 and Bandit 2!
@yurnidiot My Alice watched this with great attention about 20 times 🤣
@yurnidiot FLASH SPLASH SALE! Overstock Mystery Sale + Chance to Win
@yurnidiot It's neat how even the actual pattern is so close between the two.