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RT: https://101010.pl/users/yb/statuses/113056548973507009 I see Element is going just great right now (this is Element Desktop. Literally the Electron app they ship)
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@zkat at this point Chatty, the app that does SMS messaging in Gnome, might just be the best option for matrix. and it has no "login with", no syncing keys with other clients, and no joining chats. unix has a built in mansplaining function, you can just type man <topic> and it will mansplain <topic> to you
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@ariadne oh, at some point I even made a helper tool for it. https://github.com/jkmcnk/mansplain "Facebook zablokował ci konto? Nie pisz do Panoptykonu" https://panoptykon.org/facebook-zablokowal-ci-konto-nie-pisz-do-panoptykonu (obstawiam, że Panoptykon pewnie to wrzuci u siebie, bo to świeżynka - ale akurat wyczaiłam przy obiedzie w rssach, więc wrzucam teraz, bo potem mi umknie) @didleth Ale musze zapytać. Jak skojarzył z kontem na instagramie które jest innym kontem? To nie jest wszystko jedno konto jak… no jak konto google? OMG - kids today on learning that the 'save' symbol 💾 is a physical storage disk ... Also OMG - me on recently learning that 'upper case' and 'lower case' refers to the physical case printers used to use to store their letters. How did I miss this? @Natasha_Jay Genuinely did not know the uppercase fact. Not entirely sure how I didn't know that. I wonder why the space for lowercase "e" is bigger than the rest of the letters. random fediverse meta from somewhere in my timeline: Pleroma has a @wikipedia page again @debian hosts a bunch of fediverse services like #PeerTube and #Pixelfed teraz duolingo zawsze wrzuca reklamę super duolingo po każdej zewnętrznej reklamie?
@randymarsh opis zastępczy: |