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Jef Poskanzer :batman:




* Sunset keeps getting earlier by a few minutes per day, which is sad but we can adjust to it, but then BAM we are all supposed to change the clocks so that it's suddenly A FULL HOUR EARLIER and it's PITCH DARK AFTER WORK what the hell.

"Hello I would like my saved daylight back please"

They have played us for absolute fools.

scott f

@jef bookmarking to boost this on Nov 4/5 (if I remember)

Caroline Kinlund

@jef it’s MY daylight and I want it NOW


@jef I've lived in Arizona all my life and there are many downsides, including entirely too much daylight, but one upside is that we get to point and laugh at all the states that try to save it.


@Thad @jef The amount of daylight does not change. Clocks don’t control the sun.

Melissa BearTrix 🏳️‍⚧️

@jef I endorses this toot ... As a horologist ... hugz

Hugz & xXx

Ginny Bee

@jef unfortunately they picked the daylight savings time so now it's daylight savings year round!! 😂💀💔

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@fixiemama The number on the clocks is irrelevant as long as I don't have to switch the them back and forth twice a year.

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@fixiemama @jef I get winter SAD, so that wouldn't be unfortunate at all

Ginny Bee

@WizardOfDocs Yeah me too, but mostly because I need to get up early... I guess we'll see. But if we keep DST forever then Bangalore will never be more than 12.5 hours ahead of Silicon Valley, hooray...

Ginny Bee

@WizardOfDocs @jef As far as circadian rhythms go I like to share a trick I learned from someone who used to travel from SF to Hong Kong 4x a year -- use your "third eye" pressure point to reset your circadian clock. On the first day in the new time zone, at noon exactly, get yourself outside and hold your thumb on your third eye for one whole minute. It really helps! Even when the time change is only an hour.

Mike Garrahan

@WizardOfDocs @fixiemama @jef
Our best defense against SAD is morning light. DST shifts it to the afternoon and makes us more vulnerable. Fortunately the Senate bill last year expired with no House action.

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@mgarraha @fixiemama @jef got any data on that? I've always found afternoon/evening light affects me more.

Ginny Bee

@WizardOfDocs @mgarraha I think it depends on where you are, for example on one side or the other of the Rockies. I found this site which has a fun charting tool

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@fixiemama @mgarraha thanks! I'm stunned by how much the map changes when you nudge the inputs.

Ginny Bee

@WizardOfDocs Right?! I like how you can set it to be weighted for a later sunset, vs an earlier sunrise, depending on your own preference.

Ginny Bee

@WizardOfDocs @mgarraha as for light therapy in the morning vs light therapy at night this is what I found, pic attached,


Ginny Bee

@mgarraha Oh thank goodness! It's just been a rumor then. Whew

thank you!


@jef Kazakhstan also used to switch to summer and winter time. But then they canceled it. It's much better and more convenient.

Kent Borg

@jef Yes, but morning people who are bullies have a: solution is permanent daylight saving time. From now until you die and beyond.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@kentborg The number on the clock is irrelevant as long as we don't have to switch it back and forth twice a year.

Kent Borg

@jef No, if it were irrelevant, morning people wouldn't insist it must be permanent, they would be willing to have noon be close to when the sun in highest in the sky, but, no, they insist it must be permanent. Because they are bullies who want everyone to get up early early, always.

And if we were to eventually shift to something more reasonable they would probably propose a permanent double daylight saving time, to get everyone out of bed early again.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@kentborg The number on the clock is irrelevant and the people who insist otherwise are deluded.

Kent Borg

@jef If it doesn't matter, then please let me have my way, because it matters to me, and tell the permanent DST people to give up, okay? Thanks.

Mike Garrahan

@kentborg @jef
Standard time is the safer, healthier year-round solution.

Kent Borg

@mgarraha @jef And if those morning people think it doesn't matter, then they should quit being bullies let us do standard time.

tom jennings


Don't forget! Spring back! Fall ahead!


@jef it was introduced so that factory owners could save on candles. That's it. That's the whole story behind it.

Capitalism is a scam everywhere you look closer.

Simon Lucy

@rhold @jef

Well not so much, it doesn't look like Franklin was serious when he wrote about it in Paris. The impetus in the US was to align transport timetables and force States to be consistent, the Department of Transportation manages the Uniform Time Act.

It was WWI which convinced European countries independently to have DST to save energy in the Winter.

Along with the rest of Britain I suffered British Standard Time 68-71 which was 'permanently' GMT+1.

In Computing it's just UTC.


@simon_lucy @jef but WHO saves energy at WHAT TIME?

-> The energy is saved in the daytime during working hours. Thus it's in the interest of the people controlling those hours.

Simon Lucy

@rhold @jef

In two World Wars it saved coal.
Now it still makes sense at a time of high energy costs and the impact on emissions (probably relatively small).

Before we had a highly integrated world with transport times that ignore the local time related to the sun's progress everything was local. The time was governed by the most important church or public building in a relatively small area.

That can't be true now. What is worse is the slippage between continents when they change separately

@rhold @jef

In two World Wars it saved coal.
Now it still makes sense at a time of high energy costs and the impact on emissions (probably relatively small).

Before we had a highly integrated world with transport times that ignore the local time related to the sun's progress everything was local. The time was governed by the most important church or public building in a relatively small area.

Ben Aveling

@jef @simon_lucy @rhold probably doesn’t save energy these days, lighting has become efficient, aircon is still not.

Ben Aveling

@simon_lucy @jef @rhold true. But rapidly becoming more common. 45c in London? That’s going to motivate a lot of ppl to get AC.

Simon Lucy

@BenAveling @jef @rhold

It really isn't and a 45°C average temperature in Summer isn't going to happen this century, London might make a 30°C average. This year, though it was the hottest Summer, didn't get over about 23°C average with peaks of a few days over 30.

London is about 5° higher than the rest of the country, on a regular day it's about 2° but it was higher this summer.

We'll just complain about the humidity as we always have.

lumey 🔜 FWA :peep: you reminded me we are never experiencing this again

Adam Honse

@jef "Spring forward" "Fall back" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged.


@jef sorry mate but I kind of enjoy changing my clock

Mark Mason

@Flax_Vert @jef you can carry on changing your clocks if you want to. Nobody is going to stop you.

Till Zoppke

@Flax_Vert @jef
Then, how about to set 1 minute earlier for 60 days in spring, and 1 minute later for 60 days in autum? You’d avoid the harsh impact of a 1hr change by ramping up/down.


@jef they give your saved daylight to us in the southern hemisphere instead.

💚🌲💙⭐⭐Romulus / Keith 🌹🍺✌⚽

@jef this but unironically though

Daylight savings time is unnatural, the sun is supposed to be at its highest point at noon, and that's impossible under dst

GNU/neko :cursed_verified::makemeneko:
@ssfckdt @jef tell that to the various legislators that have tried over the years to make DST permanent (instead of standard time) :angry:
Sam at BLAG

@jef And don't forget the second shock to the system in spring when, after adjusting to 'daylight saving', an hour of sleep is snatched without cause.

Richard Webb

@jef An utter PITA - speaking as a former airline software person.

In Scotland it is especially annoying in that it is asymmetric. We have to wait another month in the Spring before we get our evening daylight. Anyway I am no longer working so I can just adjust the time I get up to compensate,


@jef there are health benefits of sticking to solar time! So perhaps we should move back to local time. for the bigger regions the time zones is a reasonable compromise, but stick to the natural time. The idea that you can't change office hours, is rubbish as most businesses expect staff not to work to contact! So the whole idea of a fixed office day is baloney.

Perhaps just another example of how the Berks in power are out of touch with reality of all.


@jef always attribute your quotes. Erdoğan said it first 😜

Cat West

@jef Native Joke: White men are the only people who think cutting off the bottom of the blanket and sewing it to the top of the blanket gives them more blanket.

Christo 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Yes I don't understand this. Some folk in the far North say it helps them but why not just adapt your day if you are affected , start schools a hour later etc

Tobias Brohl

@jef Wanted to live with daylight? We had something called adjustable work times for that

Stampeding Longhorn :budgie:

@jef I prefer the politically correct term of deferred daylight time.


@jef and anyways the daylight is beyond saving.


@jef I feel bad for the people at Stonehenge, who've got to move the stones round twice a year


@jef yes I agree. But our reps never will do this.


@jef “Today we have one extra hour” STATEMENTS made up by the utterly DERANGED

Baroque Mongoose

@jef Oh, I don't mind in the autumn. I can adjust to that. It's the spring that's the kicker. I end up mildly jetlagged for up to a week. (Not even exaggerating. I used to cope a lot better, but that was before I was seriously ill and almost died, and as one might expect I've never been the same since.)

Simon Wood

@jef @snaptophobic “YEARS OF 'SAVING' yet NO NET GAIN OF DAYLIGHT” 🤣🤣🤣


@jef clocks were not supposed to be at all, but here we are

Sarah Guinevere 🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️🇿🇦🇵🇸

@jef As a South African I still hardly understand "daylight savings." Is it a way to get people to work longer hours or something?


@jef Every time they change the clocks, I say this - WHY are we doing this when we know that the medical, psychological and practical costs of it outweigh any of the (mainly theoretical or historic) benefits? Especially, as it was introduced in my country as a 'temporary wartime measure', a whole century ago!


@jef I don't have a problem with DST, and I couldn't care less whether it is kept or killed, but it is a great reminder of how our politics work in the US: we generate enormous tempests online, we see incredibly high levels of support, our outrage is met with supportive talk but no action by politicians, and the whole thing blows over as we move to the next outrageous thing we are fired up about and repeat this cycle issue when the same issue flares up again in a few months.


@jef It just makes everything more complicated.

Oddly enough, it's to my knowledge, airplane companies that have been lobbying against getting rid of it. Mostly because it would become a logistical nightmare for them as DST is so baked into their systems from what I can gather. Still though, just give them enough time and they'll be able to adjust I'm sure.

In addition, seriously, the US needs to ditch the imperial system. It's sooo baaaad ...


@jef I hate changing time twice a year! We need to just pick one and stick with it and I don't even care which one! If Congress actually passed something like this it would be the one thing everyone likes 😆

:verified: נחום תקום

At the beginning of each Summer, they borrow from us an hour.
At the end of summer, they pay us back that hour.
We demand 5% interest.



The whole concept of daylight savings died when humans started using electricity wide-spread.

I'm so fucking tired of making sure servers changed their time to match this horse shit.


@jef @mattgrayyes I'd be happy with UTC (GMT) everywhere. I don't care if my clock says 12:00 or 19:00 when i'm having lunch.


Anyone who has ever had infants or pets (who want to wake/play/eat at a time their bodies have gotten used to) HATES changing clocks with a fiery passion.

Jimmy Havok

@jef Early bird freaks want to impose their habits on everyone by changing the clocks. I'm glad to get my stolen hour of morning sleep back.


One of the issues is that even if you change clocks, you still have darkness when you go to work, and darkness when you come from work.

Rodion Borisov

@jef This daylight saving thing sure sounds like a campign for stealing your time under the veil of good will, now, doesn't it?

Insane :birdroll:
Our government tried it once back in 2011 and no one liked it plus, it conflicted with many things people used to do by seeing the normal time and the position of the sun.
NoctisEqui 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇪🇹


They are going to make DST permanent. Then you can all get up in the dark, go to school & work in the dark. It’s shown to be unhealthy but when did US ever care abut that?


Let's start saving daylight daily!
Let's start changing clocks daily!
Sunrise should always be 5 o'clock in the morning!


@jef I hate the whole thing with such a vengeance, especially since they voted to get rid of it in Europe and the US, and then started fucking dicking around about implementing it


@jef Daylight Saving Times literally kills! Every Spring in the Northern Hemisphere on the Monday after the switch, hospitals report a 24% spike in heart-attack visits. Doctors see an opposite trend each Autumn. The day after we turn back the clocks, heart attack visits drop 21% as many people enjoy a little extra pillow time. Not only that it also causes road accidents, work injuries, strokes, and may lead to a temporary increase in suicides. We should really stop this now.

Syd Polk (he/his)

@jef @lisamelton I am convinced that in the USA people use more energy during DST because the AC runs longer, and there is an energy lobby whose job it is to perpetuate DST forever.

Carl-Henrik Barnekow

@jef The challenge is that the effect is much more than a few minutes the further away from the Equator you are. When I lived on latitude 64 the sun rises at about 9:30 in the morning and goes down at 13:30 (4h daylight) in the middle of December. In June it would be the crazy opposite with the sun rising at 01:45 and settle at 23:30 (21h daylight) Massive changes compared to living on the Equator.

Maybe we just should flip 30 min and then stay at that?

katherine montalto

@jef we are currently saving daylight and will stop saving it soon.

Cody Boone Ferguson

@jef funny fact: in one province in Australia (NT is one of them iirc) they change clocks at half hours and another does 45 minutes. Last I knew WA, AU doesn’t change at all.

I might be wrong but I think only the US has the term ‘saving’. In Europe for example it is Summer Time. So CEST during summer and CET otherwise. But it’s the concept that matters.

On a certain website it says that even the states that voted to end it (many) have to wait for congress. Respected site.

Erik Živković

@jef Love the template, good job! But please don't forget "Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged", it really ties the meme together.

cameronbosch :endeavourOS:

@jef What's funny is that the U.S. Senate passed a bill unanimously to end DST switching and make it permanent. It never got a vote in the House.

Talk about ineffective government. 🤦‍♂️

KY4ID Burton

@jef the Senatw unanimously passed permanent DST a year or so ago. UNANIMOUSLY. In this day and age.

I hate this time of the year. I love dark mornings. Hate dark nights.



This all started when farmers worked in fields without lights.
It was meant to give farmers an extra hour to work in daylight.
I'm no expert, but I don't think the extra hour is needed anymore being as tractors have lights and many use GPS and you don't even really need t be on the equipment anymore.

Just sayin


@jef My partner always says that if they steal an hour from us in the spring, we should get interest on that hour when we get it back in the fall.

Chris Turnbow


Personally I'd like to both "fall back" and "spring back", eventually we would cycle 'round

Alexander The 1st

@jef With leap seconds, they instead get changed every couple of years instead.

Quirky King of Faes 🏳️‍🌈

@jef at least I don't need to rember to adjust any clocks that is something.

But yeah.we should get rid off it fully.

Full Queue Developer

@jef @being i would like to opt-out of daylight savings this year

Jeph :verified:

@jef Maybe we should start a movement and go on strike? Not joking, what are they going to do, arrest us for refusing to change our clocks? Get enough people to do this, and DST is effectively dead.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@taur10 I did stay on Standard Time one summer, just to see what it was like. Not that big a deal. I had to treat everyone else as if they were in a different timezone.

beforewisdom 🖖


If the US went on permanent DST sunrise will not be until 8:30 AM in the winter.

If the U.S. went on standard time sunrise will be at 4:30 AM in the summer.

Russ Cheshire

@jef Quite right. Changing the clocks forwards or backwards achieves nothing; each day has still the same number of hours of daylight or darkness, regardless of when bureaucrats deem 0900 to be.
The changing started so that capitalists could wring more out of their workforces; it was nothing to do with road safety!
Regulate the clocks by UTC; adjust for your position on the planet.

Changing time wastes time.

@jef Quite right. Changing the clocks forwards or backwards achieves nothing; each day has still the same number of hours of daylight or darkness, regardless of when bureaucrats deem 0900 to be.
The changing started so that capitalists could wring more out of their workforces; it was nothing to do with road safety!
Regulate the clocks by UTC; adjust for your position on the planet.


@jef When my daughter was about ten. I explained that the clocks were changing and it was so that it would be lighter in the morning when I took her to school. She thought about it a moment and said "why don't we just go to school an hour later?" and to this day I haven't thought of a reason why not!

David Cantrell 🏏

@jef when I become pope changing the clocks will merit an anathema at least as sternly worded as that of 1054.

Maddad ☑️


I like dst, but I don't change my clocks until I feel like it ⌛


@jef I learned about Japanese clocks where the time between dawn and sunset is divided into equal parts, so daylight hours are shorter in Winter than Spring. They abandoned it when they got mechanical clocks from the West. It would be perfectly feasible now, with digital clocks. Scheduling International phone calls would be 'interesting'.


@jef how do I boost twice?? DOWN WITH BIG CLOCK

Nico Robin In The Cowboy Hat

@jef it's actually really bad for sleep disorders and iirc can cause sleep disorders


@jef the moment when winter hits and it's dark and wet and daylight savings comes in is just plain rude. Dark when leaving for work, dark when coming home.

David Bramian

The government is disrupting our circadian rhythms. Wake up early sheeple

Nicklii :archlinux:

And here i just got used to it is dark around bedtime


millennial falcon

@jef it was never a good idea. the farmer who came up with it for his own benefit just managed to convince the right influential people and got away with it, the lil fucker 🤣🤣

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@jef +9001%

Also #DaylightSavingsTime is.not only a #Scam but #Torture and should not only be #abolished but #banned entirely!

It doesn't do javk shite except inconvenience people and organizations at no benefit but huge costs!

Matt :verified_mastodon:

@jef it’s horrid and I hate it. Every October it throws me for a loop and I don’t recover until the spring!



"Sunset keeps getting earlier by a few minutes per day, which is sad but we can adjust to it, but then BAM we are all supposed to change the clocks so that it's suddenly A FULL HOUR EARLIER and it's PITCH DARK AFTER WORK what the hell."

When I wake up for work, it’s always on the same time, when my phone rings, no matter how dark it’s outside

what changes is not having sun in the morning

"Hello I would like to have no sun for two hours after waking up instead of one" "9:15AM is a good time for sunrise" (which means it’s only bright at 10am basically)

statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged


"Sunset keeps getting earlier by a few minutes per day, which is sad but we can adjust to it, but then BAM we are all supposed to change the clocks so that it's suddenly A FULL HOUR EARLIER and it's PITCH DARK AFTER WORK what the hell."

When I wake up for work, it’s always on the same time, when my phone rings, no matter how dark it’s outside

Dimitris A. Nakos

I'm not particularly fond of sun and light but god damn it every year 2 times we need to readjust to differences in daytime!! Why is it SO hard to stick to ONE timestate???

Luke Rawlins


Stop looking at my bank account! 😂

Nantucket E-Books

@jef It did once help some kids distract their scenery-chewing abductors long enough to escape. Happened in Salem, Mass thirty or so years ago, I think.

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