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Steven Reed

Let's not forget "like taxis but worse" and "like hotels/bnbs/self catering but worse"?

Steven Reed

Oh, and I forgot elon's "like trains but worse"


@Salty @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs

Tesla Motors is a car company. It makes cars with a notably poor build quality which have doors that don't open, windows that don't seal, and batteries which set themselves on fire.

I am attempting to generate humour by implying that Tesla's cars fit the pattern that was identified above.


@Salty @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs

I have. A girlfriend, back when I was a kid, was obsessed with that movie (even though we were too young to watch it.) It's a good movie although I think it's irresponsible in how easily it allows itself to be misinterpreted.

Simon Green

@passenger @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs Then you remember that the unnamed narrator turns out to BE Tyler Durden. He had a psychotic break because his job was to decide whether it was cheaper to let his company’s cars kill people and pay out on lawsuits or recall & fix them to save lives.

About 20 years before Tesla built their first car. Or VW diesel engines, or Jeeps that squash you against your garage, or Toyotas with self-removing wheels, etc.

I get it, Musk is a born-rich prick with

Simon Green replied to Simon

@passenger @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs with Nazi sympathies and less than half the brains he thinks he has. But personally, the bandwagoning on Teslas is just dumb.

Thomas 🔭✨ replied to Simon

@Salty Teslas also have self-removing wheels btw

Jamie Knight replied to Thomas

@thomasfuchs @Salty ...and roofs... and steering wheels... but yeah, bandwaggonning on Tesla's killer cars is dumb.

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@Salty @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs All modern cars with Engine Management that stops you driving when an unimportant sensor fails, warning lights that appear and disappear at random, drive-by-wire software with bugs that jam on the throttle, etc, etc.

Dallas (Join Something IRL)

@srtcd424 @thomasfuchs

I'll draw a line there. If you have kids Airbnbs/Verbos are family roadtrip game changers. Staying in hotels with kids SUUUUUUUCKS! Staying in an Airbnb is legitimately a pleasure in comparison.

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@srtcd424 @thomasfuchs to be fair Uber was actually *way* better than taxis and really forced that industry into improving their user experience. booking was annoying, cars always late, vehicles barely roadworthy and often filthy and uncomfortable. they needed some real competition. most of the problems with Uber are in countries where nobody regulated them, so primarily the US. in the UK they're not as bad. still problematic for many reasons but at least they offered a valuable service.

Thomas 🔭✨

@gsuberland @srtcd424 that’s extremely different in different places, in many European cities cabs have always been reliable, well kept and clean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@srtcd424 @thomasfuchs people soon forget how horrible it used to be in the early 2000s when you had to sit in a city center taxi rank waiting room where everyone working there had been smoking 40 cigarettes a day for the last two decades.

Simon Green

@gsuberland @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs I think I’d take stale tobacco smoke over vape stench. Smells like someone jizzed on a box of donuts.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 Out of curiosity, how old are you and have you experienced stale tobacco smoke e.g. in restaurants?

Simon Green

@thomasfuchs @gsuberland @srtcd424 Me? 48, I definitely remember the days of ubiquitous tobacco smoking.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 I remember not being able to take my winter clothing back inside my apartment because it was so smelly after just visiting a pub; I had to air it out outside

Simon Green

@thomasfuchs @gsuberland @srtcd424 Yep. Of course I can’t too much on my high horse about it given my country just voted out out the govt that banned smoking in favour of a bunch of right wing clown show f***wits who, amongst other things, are repealing it. The new Health ‘Minister’ is a doctor FFS. I hope the licensing council does find a way to deregister him over it.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 yeah I’ve been seeing this from NZ friends, disgusting


@gsuberland @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs new the asshole needs to treat you better than the old asshole until the old asshole is well out of the way so that the new asshole can treat you worse than the old asshole ever did. #enshittification

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