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@Salty @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs

Tesla Motors is a car company. It makes cars with a notably poor build quality which have doors that don't open, windows that don't seal, and batteries which set themselves on fire.

I am attempting to generate humour by implying that Tesla's cars fit the pattern that was identified above.


@Salty @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs

I have. A girlfriend, back when I was a kid, was obsessed with that movie (even though we were too young to watch it.) It's a good movie although I think it's irresponsible in how easily it allows itself to be misinterpreted.

Simon Green

@passenger @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs Then you remember that the unnamed narrator turns out to BE Tyler Durden. He had a psychotic break because his job was to decide whether it was cheaper to let his company’s cars kill people and pay out on lawsuits or recall & fix them to save lives.

About 20 years before Tesla built their first car. Or VW diesel engines, or Jeeps that squash you against your garage, or Toyotas with self-removing wheels, etc.

I get it, Musk is a born-rich prick with

Simon Green replied to Simon

@passenger @KimSJ @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs with Nazi sympathies and less than half the brains he thinks he has. But personally, the bandwagoning on Teslas is just dumb.

Thomas 🔭✨ replied to Simon

@Salty Teslas also have self-removing wheels btw

Jamie Knight replied to Thomas

@thomasfuchs @Salty ...and roofs... and steering wheels... but yeah, bandwaggonning on Tesla's killer cars is dumb.

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@Salty @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs All modern cars with Engine Management that stops you driving when an unimportant sensor fails, warning lights that appear and disappear at random, drive-by-wire software with bugs that jam on the throttle, etc, etc.

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