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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@srtcd424 @thomasfuchs people soon forget how horrible it used to be in the early 2000s when you had to sit in a city center taxi rank waiting room where everyone working there had been smoking 40 cigarettes a day for the last two decades.

Simon Green

@gsuberland @srtcd424 @thomasfuchs I think I’d take stale tobacco smoke over vape stench. Smells like someone jizzed on a box of donuts.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 Out of curiosity, how old are you and have you experienced stale tobacco smoke e.g. in restaurants?

Simon Green

@thomasfuchs @gsuberland @srtcd424 Me? 48, I definitely remember the days of ubiquitous tobacco smoking.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 I remember not being able to take my winter clothing back inside my apartment because it was so smelly after just visiting a pub; I had to air it out outside

Simon Green

@thomasfuchs @gsuberland @srtcd424 Yep. Of course I can’t too much on my high horse about it given my country just voted out out the govt that banned smoking in favour of a bunch of right wing clown show f***wits who, amongst other things, are repealing it. The new Health ‘Minister’ is a doctor FFS. I hope the licensing council does find a way to deregister him over it.

Thomas 🔭✨

@Salty @gsuberland @srtcd424 yeah I’ve been seeing this from NZ friends, disgusting

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