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Erin Kissane

I needed to understand the angles on Threads federation in a more rigorous way, so I took a few days to think through and write up my sense of the benefits, risks, and available risk mitigations, along with loopholes that need closing and questions to discuss with fediverse administrators.

This is a blisteringly hot subject for me, so it's hard to keep my head cool enough to understand other people's trade-offs, but I'm trying.

Erin Kissane

Thanks to @darius for talking and testing through some blocking questions—I'm putting this here instead of the main post so he doesn't get reply spammed.


@kissane That's a great idea I hadn't considered. I like how considerate you are and also taking the time to spell out what you do while you do it, all of which helps to build a fedi-ethics.


@kissane thanks for your work Erin. Just finished reading your thoughtful article about Threads. I’ll share it.
I’m still on some of the other social media sites but only to nip at my followers to leave without becoming an irritant. Is there mileage in aware people nibbling away at their share of the 1000’s who drift along - to persuade them to do the same in a less noxious environment? It’s the lazy fear in each of them of the community not all moving. But they Could do it.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@kissane thank you for taking the time to write this and for sharing it. I hope it opens some eyes.

Derek Powazek 🐐

@kissane Great fucking post and I'm glad you ended it the way you did because I feel the same way.

Erin Kissane

@fraying Thank you! That means a lot. I’m so tired of talking about this particular corporate clusterfuck but egggghhh

Climate Jenny 2.0

@kissane This is excellent. I hope everyone reads it.

Jesse Baer 🔥

@kissane As always, but especially now, I am so grateful for your talent and work. I hope you don’t mind that I shared this on Threads, in the “fediverse threads” tag being used there by the enthusiasts, movers and shakers. I hope it gives some of them some pause.

Erin Kissane

@misc Completely fine! And thank you! I always find it nervewracking to publish this stuff, but I'm glad it seems useful.

Ooze 𓁟

@kissane This is the best summary of this situation yet.


@kissane Oh my goodness this is utterly fantastic. Hands down the best thing I've read on this topic.


@kissane Excellent, valuable writing. Like you I find myself stuck between my unmitigated loathing for Meta and wanting better for those stuck in its leg trap.

ophiocephalic 🐍

Very thought-provoking write-up, thank you. The remarks about asking admins on policy enforcement are critical. If they're not thinking along these lines yet, they will need to soon.

I've posted a link to this essay on the Essays page of my Free Fediverse wiki. You might find it of use if you ever need to slog again through evidence of Meta's many crimes against humanity (hopefully you don't!)

Erin Kissane

@ophiocephalic Thank you on both counts! Bookmarking 😬


@kissane I’ve only read the title but so far it’s brilliant.

Sarah Burstein

@kissane Always appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for sharing


@kissane your writing about all of this has been so clear and so generous. Thank you, I know it’s taken a toll

Matthew Lyon

@kissane this is a great writeup, thank you for doing this

Kyle Memoir


This piece is lengthy, but if you’re flummoxed like me by the arcane/passionate technical and partisan debate, it’s a great summary to gain a foothold on what’s at stake and it offers useful advice on how to proceed toward deciding and managing one’s own perspective. Well researched & written.

Kristin ( Admin)

@kissane A difficult but essential read. I think I'll go back and revisit parts of it, to let myself breath and process.

I've posted about the simplest practical reasons we've proactively blocked, but this goes deep into so many reasons that are hard to talk about.

Thank you for this!

Zarin Loosli

@kissane as someone who is generally pro-federation, I really appreciate your clarity and honesty in sharing your perspective. You've given me a lot to think about!


@kissane thank you, I can't see the word Meta without thinking Cambridge Analytica.

Fight Fascism

@slowmart @kissane and the other monster they helped to unleash on the world #TFG

Erik Moeller


Thank you as ever, Erin - whether I agree or disagree, I always learn something from your writing.

Nora, tech aspect

@kissane your claim that "Threads federation gives people on Threads the chance ... if they get disgusted with Meta ... to migrate much more easily to a noncommercial, non-surveillance-based network." seems difficult to support, to me, given that Threads doesn't and likely won't support account migration. They'd have to sign up to a Fedi instance just like everyone else either way, right?

Nora, tech aspect

@kissane (otherwise, I largely agree and very much appreciate this write-up.)

Erin Kissane

@noracodes Threads has said they will support migration of accounts to other fediverse services. People would still have to establish another fedi account to migrate to, as with intra-Mastodon migrations.

The exact implementation remains a total mystery, of course, and they could be lying, but I think Meta tends to lie about a slightly different set of things than technical capabilities.

Nora, tech aspect

@kissane ah! thank you for the correction, I totally missed that.


@noracodes @kissane
The point is that a Threads user who creates a Mastodon account can keep on communicating with their pre-existing contacts. Wether they have to add these contacts manually or they get moved automatically is a sidefact. The moving procedure is merely a convenience.

Steve Lindsay

@kissane Almost always a good thing to attempt, understanding others’ trade offs.

Dr. Evan J. Gowan

@kissane I really appreciate this article, as I have not really followed the Threads federating topic. My view is that this could be like email, or the general Internet at large - that these big companies have such a large influence that it will kill off any independent components. Independent servers might be able to block Threads, but Threads might become so influential that they might make them impossible to be seen in the general Fediverse if they do that. That happened with email.

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@DrEvanGowan @kissane agree, and I see it potentially like email, wherein large instances, much like Gmail and other big email providers, blackhole many small mailservers by default: a lot of similar potential issues, and likely to happen with literally any new protocol that is genuinely open.

selje 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

This is a wonderful read.
Well thought out, well reasoned. Provides insights I hadn't even thought about. I have never been a participant in facebook/meta, instagram, xitter, or any of the other commercial social offerings, except indirectly in order to view the feeds coming from Ukraine on Daily Koz. Thanks for the education Erin Kissane.

Hazel Weakly

@kissane thank you so much for writing this by the way ❤️ it really helps clarify a lot of the discussions and grounds things super well. It's an excellent, excellent article


@kissane Thank you so much for this, it's a spectacular run through of threats and challenges in an incredibly thoughtful, detailed and well-written piece.


@kissane Meta is a terrible company for their greedy manipulative practices. But Facebook also facilitates online communication between 3 billion MAUs. Some of them are terrible people. Holding FB responsible for their actions that were also communicated via Facebook is kinda attacking the messenger. Are ISPs and DNS services also responsible for transmitting hate speech in Myanmar? Is Meta supposed to police a failed state's communication, where the government and military commit genocide?

Erin Kissane

@kolya The facts of the situation are quite a bit worse than that (or any short) summary implies.

I published 40k words breaking it all down from a whole lot of angles this fall, so if you want to know my exact positions and the research behind them, it’s pretty easy to find, but I’m generally in agreement with Amnesty and the UN HRC’s independent fact-finding mission to Myanmar.

Marlene Breitenstein Art

@kissane @kolya Kolya, since I still have it open in my tabs, and am in the midst of reading, here’s the first page which introduces the sections:

Tawtovo (ܬܘܬܒܐ)

Thank you for sharing your thinking so clearly in public! I always learn a lot from you, and I appreciate your perspectives.


@kissane I fully agree, Meta is not really a part of what I want to be involved in... thank you for your post.

Rufus J. Cooter

@kissane Great read; thanks for this! (And also, for the Myanmar/Meta pieces; TBH, I still haven't finished reading them, as I need to stop every couple of paragraphs & take a shower, then do anything else for a few days...)

Still making up my mind about what I think about all this, but thoughtful essays like this one are greatly appreciated

Chris Real

@kissane Thank you for this. Thank you very much.

Tim Chambers

@kissane I really like this point:

"Until now, I haven’t involved myself much in discussions about how Mastodon or other fedi servers should react to Threads’ arrival, mostly because I think the right answer should be really different for different communities, my own revulsion notwithstanding....I don’t think the answers to these questions are going to be—or should be—the same for every server on the fediverse."

Other bits want to think on more; and may have questions on.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

Thank you for laying out your thought process. It helps the rest of us work through it as well.


@kissane I don't want to include this book recommendation in my mentions because I don't want it to overshadow your work, but I certainly enjoyed it and think you might too. 😊


@kissane Excellent and thoughtful article! Great job as always


@kissane I really appreciate all the work and thought you put into this. Thank you.

[EDIT: I’m incorrect about the below. “libsoftiktokofficial” *is* them.]

One thing I’ve been curious about lately — and I know this is a very small thing among a much larger point — is LibsOfTikTok actually on Threads? I can’t find them. I thought they left. “libsoftiktokofficial” seems like an imitator.

Erin Kissane

@jsit Ha! I didn’t even re-check. They’ve been on and off several times already and I’ve managed not to actually look at Threads much. If they’re gone for good, I’ll have to figure out what happened and make a note, I guess!


@kissane Thank you! From what I can tell, they got annoyed at having their posts deleted by Meta and left in July.

> “It’s clear that the biased censorship from big tech is still thriving everywhere except Elon’s Twitter,” Raichik told the DCNF. “I think I’ll stick with Twitter.”

(From a site I don’t want to give traffic to.)

Erin Kissane

@jsit Oh god their Flounce stuck? I bet they weren’t getting traction. Thank you, I’ll poke around and drop in an edit tomorrow!

Tim Bray

@kissane @jsit I made a serious effort to understand Threads's moderation in action but struck out. Their algorithm doesn't push abusive crap in my face and their search is so lousy I couldn't turn up relevant data. Doesn't address the core of your argument but it'd be useful to know what's going on over there and I don't.


@kissane @jsit my impression is that their account is still there but hasn’t posted since July, ditto with Gays against Groomers. They may have had some posts taken down but they didn’t get backed. Also there are reports of transphobic content being boosted into “for you” feeds, so they are there, and LoTT can direct them from offsite - it’s a very real theat, and I thought your advice on safety is excellent. Allow-list FTW!


@kissane also everything else about the article was great too!


@jdp23 @kissane Oh, you’re right! I thought “libsoftiktokofficial” was an imitator, but yes, this is them.

(Of course, even if it were an imitator, this would in no way diminish the thesis of the article.)


@kissane I’m wrong! “libsoftiktokoffical” *is* them. Sorry for the bad info.


@kissane this is an articulate, measured and thoughtful article.

the kind of thing i am fundamentally incapable of writing, because i enjoy anger and hyperbolic analogies far too much.

a great read, presenting the issues in good faith and working through them

Mikal with a k

I often tell people that I am on fedi because that's where the really thoughtful, interesting, smart people are. Reading this confirms that I'm in the right place.

I'm very much in the Meta-as-existential-threat camp. I really hope I'm wrong.

a spooky jazz dad..

@kissane I would just like to say how happy I am that you are out here writing about this and trying to bring some thoughtfulness and rigor into the conversation around this..

I've not even read it yet but you do that with every subject you've written about and I expect you'll do it here.

The Sneak

@kissane well if it isn't another thoughtful and nuanced take from Erin Kissane. Appreciate you!


@kissane that was excellently done, and I learned a fair bit. Thank you.

Jens 🖤

This is probably the write-up I'll refer people to if I get asked about the Meta-Facebook-Insta-Threads flotilla making a landing here.

It was always an inevitable development, but how the many communities of the fediverse handles the threats it brings is a matter of survival for most these spaces. And might determine the flatness or the diversity of the internet to come.

Theodore Cheek

@kissane Superbly written, all around; your points are well made and well taken.

I have to applaud how carefully you laid out every side and perspective you could find or conceive of, where I otherwise can only sympathize with the white hot passion behind behind your more natural, knee-jerk response


This is a very good read, Erin. It helps me think through the problem. Thank you for your efforts.


@kissane Thank you. These are my concerns as well.

There's also a cultural concern: I've just about had it with US mainstream culture. I don't like US based moderation. I don't like the way US culture wars and politics crowd into every space. Heck, I wouldn't want to be "American" - it's not an attractive proposition at all.

Threads? Why, it's very USian to the core. (And no, UK isn't much better, thank you very much)

Virtue signal 💉💉💉🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@kissane I think the main risk is that moderation standards are being suspended for #Threads. They are being federated as a privileged entity, which by proxy is bestowing privileges on fedi to aggressive bigots.

The very least of the fallout from federating with Threads is that other instances will begin to imitate their moderation biases, and resentment will grow.

I believe this will be a disincentive to running fedi instances.

Virtue signal 💉💉💉🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@kissane Other instance admins have had to uphold moderation standards thus far. Now they are going to see those standards flouted constantly and at high volume.


Tero Hänninen

@kissane this was fantastic. Well researched and extremely informative. Thank you for your work! I've been in the "wait and see" camp, listening to people like @Gargron and Mosseri talk. And while it sounds sincere and positive it's really hard to justify the potential benefits considering what kind of company Meta is and it would be naive to believe they wouldn't execute their standard playbook on Threads. So enough waiting, more blocking.

Mastodon Migration


Superb piece. Your passion is compelling.

"...watching people who I thought hated centralized social networks because of the harm they do giddily celebrating the entry into the fediverse of a vast, surveillance-centric social media conglomerate..."

What about our lofty fediverse principles of trust and safety? That's why people came here. Let's strengthen our defenses. Build community consensus. Be clear eyed about surveillance and demand protections as a condition of federation.

Osma A

Thanks for writing this! very, very good. I think I land on a somewhat different outcome in the total risk analysis, but these are absolutely the factors to consider carefully.

Steven D. Brewer 🏳️‍⚧️

@kissane Thank you for sharing this thoughtful perspective on the question of whether to allow federation with Threads. My own thought, while not as carefully considered, has been to use federation as a carrot to push for improvement. We control the stick (defederation), but to use it prospectively, rather than in response to specific actions we want them to correct, renders the carrot meaningless. I am perhaps naive and overly simplistic, but that's the best I've been able to come up with.

Alberto Cottica

@kissane another great post. Timely too, as @JohanEmpa has salomonically decided to divide into a Threads-blocking server and a non-Threads blocking one, and the discussion has started. Thanks for your work, if you are ever in Brussels look me up and I will take you out to dinner. #threads

Henrik Schönemann

Thanks so much!
These two paragraphs <3

"I don’t think the people who are genuinely psyched about Threads on fedi are monsters or fascists, and I don’t think those kinds of characterizations [...] are helping.

But for me, knowing what I do about the hundreds of opportunities to reduce actual-dead-kids harm that Meta has repeatedly and explicitly turned down, the most triumphant announcements feel like a celebration on a mass grave."

Jonas R. (er/ihm)

@kissane Thank you so much. This is concise, considerate, and clear.


@kissane incredible writing, thank you.

One point about the baffling issue of troll servers invisibly brigading in replies, the current one way threads set up forces this situation for every threads post. They can't see what we say about them.

And, after reply visibility is implemented, the question of whether threads will block these troll servers or not seems relevant.

I realise it's not the focus of your article and it's too complex even for this post, but it concerns me quite a bit.

Esther Payne 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@kissane Brilliantly written. You've laid out the issues.

I do feel for folks who's friends and family are still on Facebook and Instagram. I've still got family on there and I choose to leave those networks.

As you point out though there are risks, especially with a lack of moderation, and the person in charge of threads, was in charge during the Rohingya Genocides. Facebook facilitates networks of hate.

Most Fediverse Servers TOS/COC would defed from any server like Threads ATM.

Erin Kissane

@onepict Thank you, Esther! That means a lot.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@kissane thank you! That deeper background is extremely useful for my own understanding.

Andrew Melder

@kissane this is an excellent and extremely valuable post.

I've been critical of admins pre-emptively blocking Threads. I still tend to side on the user choice side of things; but this does provide context on areas I haven't needed to think about.


@kissane I've been in a few conversations here where we touch on some of these points, but you bring it together more comprehensively than I think we managed. Thanks for putting this out there.

Mark Connolly 🍻 🚴🏼‍♀️ (he, him, his)

@kissane Thank you for the thoughtful blog post. I blocked Threads as a user a week or so ago, and will be enabling AUTHORIZED_FETCH and I’m hoping these will be strong enough measures for now.

Mark Connolly 🍻 🚴🏼‍♀️ (he, him, his)

@kissane And, of course, I’m lucky and privileged enough to not heed a higher level of protection. But I blocked on principle 😀

Henrik Millinge Sørensen

@kissane Really nice to read a balanced piece on the whole Threads/Activity Pub discussion. Most of the other things you read about this is very much based on very passionate, but unsourced, feelings towards Meta and their like.

✡️ רבֿקהלע די לייביכע ✡️

@kissane "And I’d take assertions that people who don’t want to federate with Threads are all irrational losers as useful revelations about the character of the people making them."



@kissane thank you for writing this, really helpful

Peter Butler

@kissane Thank you for this. Incredibly informative

The Evil Microwizard

@kissane Wow, this is absolutely, intensely awful. I had no idea 😳😱


@kissane My position's a little different. I think that Mastodon should start sabotaging Threads, something like include little tidbits injected into each message federated to Threads like, "You are running on a deprecated, unsafe service. Please migrate now."

Tim Chambers

@kissane and @darius 1 of N 🧵

Would this be a fair distillation of the big set of pros and cons listed here: See if I got these right, want to engage but first want to be sure I grasp it and don’t oversimplify:

I’ll start with the easy and shorter bit the “pro or benefits” section you mentioned.

Pro: users on both sides of the Meta/non-Meta Fediverse could have a larger social graph and connect with friends or accounts they otherwise would miss.

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