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Nora, tech aspect

@kissane your claim that "Threads federation gives people on Threads the chance ... if they get disgusted with Meta ... to migrate much more easily to a noncommercial, non-surveillance-based network." seems difficult to support, to me, given that Threads doesn't and likely won't support account migration. They'd have to sign up to a Fedi instance just like everyone else either way, right?

Nora, tech aspect

@kissane (otherwise, I largely agree and very much appreciate this write-up.)

Erin Kissane

@noracodes Threads has said they will support migration of accounts to other fediverse services. People would still have to establish another fedi account to migrate to, as with intra-Mastodon migrations.

The exact implementation remains a total mystery, of course, and they could be lying, but I think Meta tends to lie about a slightly different set of things than technical capabilities.

Nora, tech aspect

@kissane ah! thank you for the correction, I totally missed that.


@noracodes @kissane
The point is that a Threads user who creates a Mastodon account can keep on communicating with their pre-existing contacts. Wether they have to add these contacts manually or they get moved automatically is a sidefact. The moving procedure is merely a convenience.

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