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Erin Kissane

Thanks to @darius for talking and testing through some blocking questions—I'm putting this here instead of the main post so he doesn't get reply spammed.


@kissane That's a great idea I hadn't considered. I like how considerate you are and also taking the time to spell out what you do while you do it, all of which helps to build a fedi-ethics.


@kissane thanks for your work Erin. Just finished reading your thoughtful article about Threads. I’ll share it.
I’m still on some of the other social media sites but only to nip at my followers to leave without becoming an irritant. Is there mileage in aware people nibbling away at their share of the 1000’s who drift along - to persuade them to do the same in a less noxious environment? It’s the lazy fear in each of them of the community not all moving. But they Could do it.

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