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After some careful consideration, I have decided to block on and .art by default

However, users will have the ability to unblock the domain

Soon we will be selectively enforcing authorized fetch for accounts with domain blocks so as to provide the best of both worlds.

(I'm also shipping a command for :pixelfed: admins to easily add user domain blocks for all local users)

I'm eager to hear your feedback!


#pixelfed #userDomainBlocks


This will be rolling out shortly, I am wrapping up the PR and preparing to merge/deploy it to my servers!

BΓ¨r Kessels 🐝 🚐 πŸ„ 🌱

@dansup will you be reviewing your consideration when you have data?

E.g. the amount of your users that manually unblock. Or amount of interactions with threads? Or when you have a statistical significant amount of "reports" or "flags" over various domains, incl Threads?


@berkes Nope. I believe this is in the best interest for our community based on feedback I have received.

It's easy to opt-in to Threads, I will not be reversing this decision.

BΓ¨r Kessels 🐝 🚐 πŸ„ 🌱

@dansup I understand your position.

But feel rather uncomfortable when such choices are made "on gut feelings" and won't be reconsidered once there is actual data to make these decisions on.

(Do note I'm not for or against your choice. I'm merely hoping you'd make such choices on their merits and not "feelings". And do note that I realize we currently lack these "merits". So I understand and respect your choice and stance!)

Joshua Strobl :verified:

@dansup Glad you offer the ability to unblock it. I would certainly close my pixelfed account if it didn't.


@dansup Glad you are leaving us the option to unblock, thank you.

Alexis Bushnell

@dansup IMO that's actually a great way to protect the Fediverse while giving individuals the option. I didn't even realise it was possible to do it that way round

a goatβ€½

@dansup how do I get back the account? It got deactivated what feels like a year ago now


@dansup I like the opt-out system for something as important as domain blocking, good work :mastodance:

Danie van der Merwe

@dansup I've always been pro-choice for users to block or not, but like some others I think it would have been better to have had the default as-is (open) and then users choose to block.Blocking on behalf of everyone seems to veer more towards censorship (my opinion). But OK choice is at least there. I'm keen ton reconnect again with my wife who is not on any alternative social networks.

Tokk :arch:

@dansup Default Blocking of big instances will slowly kill the fediverse. If big companies learn that they are not welcome they won't make efforts any more and let's be honest here: Most Users don't care and won't be in the fediverse in this case.


@tokk Threads is making federation opt-in similar to this, what is the difference?

Tokk :arch:

@dansup The difference is the power/Userbase each Network has. To become equal, the Fediverse must open its doors and welcome users. Instead they are blocked everywhere and won't get interested in it.

Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🌸

@dansup @tokk

Thanks Dan. I think opt-in is a good way to go with meta for pixelfed in particular. Many users are on pixelfed because they made a conscious choice to not be on Instagram.

This doesn’t mean every company that wants to get on the fedi would need to be opt-in…meta seems like a special case. Even meta admits there is a β€œtrust deficit”, and they are doing opt-in as well, so I think this is a good call.


@dansup looks like the most sane, least fanatical approach I’ve read yet


@dansup If I understood a word if it I might be alarmed?

Le Pertti

@dansup It should be the other way around, you don't need to decide for us what's blocked, so start with unblocked and then have it easy for us users to block what we want.

AndrewFelix πŸ€πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@dansup there are some amazing artists on threads. Personally I don’t think it’s a great idea, and it may limit potential growth.


@andrewfelix I don't doubt that, but I believe this is the best path forward with regards to the feedback I have received.

Those that want to federate/interact with threads can easily do so, while keeping a healthy default for those who may not realize they are federating with Threads or otherwise.

AndrewFelix πŸ€πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@dansup on the other hand people might not be aware it’s blocked by default.

Osma A

Interesting, I haven't heard anyone else suggest using authorized fetch for only selected domains.

By combining authorized fetch and domain blocks, do you mean that
a) an account which has any domains blocked will enforce authorized fetch to all domains?
b) a domain which has been blocked by default will have authorized fetch enforced for all accounts?

or both, or something else?

Interesting, I haven't heard anyone else suggest using authorized fetch for only selected domains.

By combining authorized fetch and domain blocks, do you mean that
a) an account which has any domains blocked will enforce authorized fetch to all domains?
b) a domain which has been blocked by default will have authorized fetch enforced for all accounts?

jill :fediverse:

@dansup well done! Indeed well done. And so nice to read, that you still think of Pixelfed as a community. Thank you! πŸ’œ :fediverse:



even though I haven't use pixelfed, atleast they pick the right choice to block meta

jill :fediverse:

@dansup non-technical person here! What does that mean "Soon we will be selectively enforcing authorized fetch for accounts with domain blocks so as to provide the best of both worlds."?

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@jill @dansup I suspect this is because Mastodon doesn't use authorised fetch by default, and only using it with some instances means you allow people to continue to communicate with the instances that don't have it turned on (if I understand correctly, this is a lot of Mastodon). It would be infinitely better if all Mastodon used authorise fetch by default, it is more secure, and many other Fediverse projects do.

Nils Weisensee

@dansup I disagree with your decision on this. It's detrimental to the spirit of the fediverse and a strange choice for what aims to be an open network. Offer all the blocking options you want, but shutting down by default what may become a giant part of the fediverse strikes me as a very unfortunate choice.


@dansup Unfortunately all you’ve done here is state your decision, without any reasoning behind it. That makes it seem arbitrary and hostile. What harmful/abusive behavior is this instance engaging in which you feel justifies blocking at that level?

Esther Payne 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@dansup thank you for doing this.

I think it's a very important part of the fediverse to have this attitude. To give an example of community based hosting with a focus on Freedom of association and Consent.

Yes Free speech is also important for our internet. But it can't come at the expense of harms to others.


@onepict Exactly, and I really appreciate all the feedback.

I listen, and am trying to do the right thing, so keep me true to my word and I will do my best to make it happen!

I could have totally handled this way better, and it's a learning experience for me def, thanks again for understanding 😁

Esther Payne 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@dansup you do have a lot going on and it is hard to balance developing, communication and also your own personal needs.

Many folks on here do have friends and family on Facebook and Instagram.

It can be hard to figure these things out and on Fedi there is an quite rightly an expectation of transparency. Which is it's own pressure for a project. Especially with the stage you are at being the developer and the figurehead.

It's an issue for lots of projects.



So instead of a hard, instance level block, it's a user-level block applied en masse?


@dansup Weren’t you complaining about instagram appearing to block your app??? How is this any different?


@dansup that's the right way to do it, thank you!

Sean Bala

@dansup It seems like Opt-In might be a nice middle ground between full openness and full blocking. Was there something that prompted you to go down this route? Was it Threads opting for Opt-In?


@dansup just from an administrative perspective, having the floodgates of reportage opening to deal with makes this decision seem obvious and sensible.

Philosophically, there is ample space for disagreement, but each admin and user has to grapple with each other's choices.

This is in contrast to the very services trying to federate.

Where the user must endure the fickle whims of the tech bro CEO, corporate board, advertisers & market.

All to say, glad you made a thoughtful choice Dan.

Debbie Goldsmith πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@dansup Not happy. I will unblock it for my account as soon as that feature is available. Could you please point me at the PR so I can follow it?


@dansup I don’t understand this. I see on Threads ordinary people doing ordinary things. Perhaps you’d like to explain what it is you are worried about?

Thu Htoo San :fedora:

@dansup Thank you! You've made the right decision for the community. Opt-in is the way it should be from the start.

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