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Eugen Rochko

My wife is looking forward to deleting her Instagram account once she can connect with the same folks from her Mastodon account. Being able to remain in touch with over 100M people who still use Meta products out of the comfort of an ad-free, privacy-friendly platform like Mastodon is a game changer.


@Gargron Is this something that can truly happen if Threads is only going to be enabling federation for those who opt-in?

Gersande La Flèche

@Gargron I understand where your wife is coming from, but given the history of embrace, extend, and extinguish in the past 30 years this unfortunately strikes me as naive. I've got a bad feeling about this, but time will tell.

Dawid Rejowski


But that's for Threads, not Intagram, right?

Lauren Weinstein

@Gargron Good luck with that. You can bet that ultimately Meta will impose tight constraints and controls on any interactions with other platforms, especially #Mastodon posts aimed in their direction. For them, from a regulatory and legal standpoint, doing anything else wouldn't make sense, not to mention their commercial interests. I don't think most people have really thought through the implications involved in all this.

Pusher Of Pixels

@Gargron Agreed. It's such an unusual move to have a silo open itself up to the world. Hopefully it becomes less unusual!

Gebhard Hopfmüller

Isn't "100M followers" very close to "xxx blns of wealth" (don't get me wrong, I know this is not directly linked, but both are "out of this world" figures)?
As a consequence, are you sure that this is compatible with a caring society, underlying federated SM?



"Neville Chamberlain assures me that we will have peace in our time."

Unbelievably naïve given the track record of the tech giants.

Nick Giannak III

@Gargron Buddy, I give you a lot of credit. The amount of hate you must get from these takes must be disheartening. ...I just want you to know that I agree with you, I can't wait! for Threads to federate.

Maxi 10x 💉

@Gargron But wouldn’t she miss out on all the actual *Instagram* content then? And even if she would only care for Threads accounts, she will have the interoperability mismatch as explained by @lrhodes:



Screenshot taken.

This isn't going to age well.

I don't wish you any ill will, at all, but I have this feeling it's all going to end really badly for you.

I sincerely wish you would reconsider these dangerous and harmful decisions.


@Gargron #Meta #Boycott

Different strokes for different folks.

I've boycotted every Meta sponsored site & product for over 10 years.

I haven't noticed any #Threads activity in my timeline yet but, if there is any, I guess I'll just have to mute &/or block it. 🤷‍♂️


@Gargron the rub will be boosting posts that come from threads. Just like most people on mastodon don't like to see posts with links to Xitter, they won't want to see boosts that include twitter accounts.

Eugen Rochko

@timo21 People don’t like seeing links to Twitter on here because it’s a non-interoperable platform and they are one way and commonly not official. That’s the opposite of the Threads situation.


I left Meta years ago(then twitter a year ago) because of the spread of hate. Don't want to encounter it again. There are a lot of nice peoplehere. This will be bad. Sorry.

Bishop Whitewind

@Gargron @timo21 I don't like seeing links to twitter because it's a hate site now.
Just ftr I am 0% bothered by Threads users or Cardi B on Insta.
I have bigger Narwhals to fry....

Sylvia Wright

@Gargron @timo21 "People don’t like seeing links to Twitter on here because it’s a non-interoperable platform" -- People don't like seeing links to T/X here bc it's run by a fascist nutjob

Eugen Rochko

@sciencewrighter @timo21 I have been here for 7 years. People didn’t like seeing links to Twitter here before 2022.

Sylvia Wright

@Gargron @timo21 OK, valid, I'll rephrase. People ALSO don't like seeing links to T/X here bc it's run by a fascist nutjob. 😘

Virginia Murr

@Gargron @timo21

Oof. That's a poor assumption.

I don't want to see Twitter in my feed because I don't want to (even incidentally) support Twitter's UNETHICAL owner.

Same for Zuck.I left FB long ago because of his UNETHICAL behavior.

Aside from Zuck's willingness to enable genocide--cuz' profit, he tried to sell depressed kids' info to advertisers--cuz' profit. Kids. FFS.

Source (2017)

A whole lot of people care more about the ethics than the "interoperability."

@Gargron @timo21

Oof. That's a poor assumption.

I don't want to see Twitter in my feed because I don't want to (even incidentally) support Twitter's UNETHICAL owner.

Same for Zuck.I left FB long ago because of his UNETHICAL behavior.

Aside from Zuck's willingness to enable genocide--cuz' profit, he tried to sell depressed kids' info to advertisers--cuz' profit. Kids. FFS.

Source (2017)


@Gargron @timo21

I think it would be naive to assume that anyone here would like us to federate with X, for example.

I don't really see any difference between X and meta.

Christian Schwägerl

@Gargron @timo21

There is so much more to this than interoperability. Both Twitter and Meta have strengthened the spread of disinformation and the forces that endanger democracy on an industrial scale. Mastodon with its different model is a fundamental alternative to that - and for a lot of people that‘s why they invest time and effort here, not there. Once connected, Mastodon won‘t be a systemic alternative any more, like an organic food coop becoming a Walmart stall.



have they said they are going to federate more than #threads? Facebook would be cool...


@Gargron I try to hype Mastodon when I can to my friends on corporate social media. But they are all loathe to leave their little circles of Facebook-monitored communication, to try something new. So I wait, and hope...

Steven D Rowe 🇨🇦​:CApride:​

@Gargron Personally I don’t have a use case for Threads/Meta connectivity and I look forward to seeing some documentation on how I might protect/distance myself from them. Hopefully it will work out for all concerned; those who want and don’t want the connectivity.

Colin H.

@Gargron If another Mastodon instance happily hosted LibsOfTikTok, you'd probably defederate it. This seems sort of like the end of granular moderation, as it will either come down to users having huge account blocklists (like the bad old days...) or blocking Threads altogether, either at instance or user level. Maybe the band aid needs to be ripped off sooner or later, but I don't see a great outcome anywhere on the horizon.



Yeah, I think it might be a good thing. It may allow me to follow friends who still are on Meta (I no longer interact with any of their sites). However, I'm a bit concerned about their "supplemental privacy policy". It sounds like they're getting ready to start tracking us here.

Mike Rockwell

@Gargron your wife has over 100 million friends on Instagram?


@Gargron Good luck. They ignored and, then, blocked my ability to do that.

Stephen Bannasch (316 ppm)

@Gargron I just opened Instagram for first time in months and saw a number of close friends posts I’d love to be able to follow — especially without having to put up with Instagram algorithm. I have no interest in Instagram but I really care about what my friends post.

These are all friends who are amazing artists who live in my little town!


@Gargron I just opened Instagram for first time in months and saw a number of close friends posts I’d love to be able to follow — especially without having to put up with Instagram algorithm. I have no interest in Instagram but I really care about what my friends post.

These are all friends who are amazing artists who live in my little town!

Nordnick :verified:


Which "ad-free, privacy-friendly platform" do you have in mind, if and when #Meta would control the majority of the users?

Some of my thoughts (in German):


@Gargron highly doubt that's going to happen :/


@Gargron I agree, I am not a Meta nor Musk fan...

Toni :mastodon:

@Gargron y a mejor.

Mis felicitaciones a todos los que hacen o hagan como su esposa.

liberloebi ✔️

@Gargron Eugen, I am really sorry to see you supporting that hellish move.
Thank you for Mastodon, anyway.


@Gargron The likelihood of such an arrangement lasting more than ~24 months is close to zero. They don't care about harvesting data from Mastodon. They care about capturing the marketplace by eliminating Mastodon as a competitor by "offering" the ability to reach/ingest content from users here from a threads account because their focus is on being the preferred hub over Bluesky and Mastodon.

Once they have captured a critical mass of the ex-Xitter audience, they will lop off ActivityPub and do what Xitter did (and Instagram before it, and pretty much any critical mass audience capture entity) -- you want to see things on threads, then you have to join threads.

@Gargron The likelihood of such an arrangement lasting more than ~24 months is close to zero. They don't care about harvesting data from Mastodon. They care about capturing the marketplace by eliminating Mastodon as a competitor by "offering" the ability to reach/ingest content from users here from a threads account because their focus is on being the preferred hub over Bluesky and Mastodon.

Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC

@Gargron I don't think we should allow Threads to federate with any Mastodon instances unless they adhere to the same standards of moderation. No Nazis, no transphobia, no MAGAs. Insta and Threads are full of fascist bastards, and if Meta doesn't kick them out, we should keep Meta away from the Fediverse.

Eugen Rochko

I hope that an organization as massive as Meta adopting #ActivityPub will send a signal that pushes Tumblr and other platforms that have been considering it over the edge in doing the same. Perhaps even Bluesky would consider replacing or at least supplementing their custom protocol with the @w3c standard for interoperability.

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey

@Gargron I hope that an organization as massive as Meta bursts into flames and sinks beneath the waves like a torpedoed battleship.

Will Phoenix

@Gargron @w3c Tumbler said the other day they're still just working on the integration

Charlie Fish

@Gargron @w3c I'm concerned about the plan for #activitypub to be opt-in for #threads. That will severely decrease the interoperability of this move. @Mastodon federates by default. Why can't #Threads do the same?


@Gargron @w3c

Oh my god... you actually believe this 😳

Oh my...

I feel so sorry for you, I hope you have a good strong support network in place for when reality hits.


Lambs to the slaughter!


@Gargron @w3c those old companies are dying. Let there be new things! Oh glorious new things!

liberloebi ✔️

@Gargron @w3c Ceterum censeo: It goes against their business model.

Telmo 🦕

@Gargron blink twice if they’re holding you hostage


@w3c @tess

Bluesky adding activity pub would be sick. Or platforms/clients that can just do both at once.


@Gargron @w3c Is there any good reason why they can’t do both? Are their personal feed algos able to operated efficiently enough via AP if they want to enough?

sudo βραχυκύκλωμα :kafeneio:

@Gargron Why a company such as Meta (or whatever) would want that interoperability, when they don't necessarily need it? That is a serious question yet to be answered. I'm not against any adaptation in the first place btw.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@Gargron @w3c I doubt #Bluesky will embrace #ActivityPub out of pride, & #Tumblr will probably join the #Fediverse in 2025 or 2026 (based on their current pace).

I do believe that we will probably see more government institutions, private organizations, political leaders & famous celebrities who are running #WordPress enter the Fediverse (via the plugin).

I know #Flipboard will enter the Fediverse soon, but I am not sure when (or if‽) #PostNews & #Flickr will join.

Andrea Grandi 🦕

@Gargron I wish you didn’t have to deal with most of the comments I’m reading below your post 🙄


@Gargron @w3c I still quite don't understand, why #Threads were to reach such a decision. Isn't locking one's users in essential for the business? What is there to gain?


@Gargron @w3c I'm going to screenshot this for future use 😂


@Gargron @w3c And I hope that more people realize that interoperating with for-profit platforms means eventually succumbing to for-profit ethics and methods.


@w3c @Gargron instead of hoping Meta take over it, can we hope Mastodon's owner adopt a business model to support this solution better? For instance, they can attract content creators by letting users subscribe to their streams, but because the content creators can launch their own servers here, the margins that current solutions in this category take could dramatically decrease, therefore, they would prefer Mastodon over Patreon, etc.

Grant 🇺🇦ArmUkraine🇺🇦

@Gargron @w3c I suspect many will decide just to join us over on the dark side 😎

Grant 🇺🇦ArmUkraine🇺🇦

@Gargron @w3c There are a handful of people I really enjoyed reading/interacting with from twitler who are now exclusive with Threads. After Federation, will I be able to simply follow them from my Mastodon account? If so, this seems pretty cool indeed.



Mastodon is dead to me. I'm gonna give it a few days and delete this crappy app.

Martin Be

@Gargron Don't let this internet cancer in here!
Once you let it in, you will never get rid of this plague.

Do not invite a spy into your/our home!
No matter how good behaving, a spy will be always a spy.


Derek Powazek 🐐

@Gargron That’s exactly why Meta will never allow this to happen.


@Gargron folgt sie schon dem eichlat3r? ich brauch follis


@Gargron folgt sie schon dem eichkat3r? ich brauch follis

du könntest mir übrigens auch noch folgen

pare de sufrir

@Gargron it does and the arguments against it sound NIMBYish. isn’t the point of all this to have other things from outside connect? and if it doesn’t work out, isn’t there a way to disconnect? i’m all for social media going next level. maybe it’s naive, i don’t know all the tech behind this but i dream of not having a bunch of social media sites and still being able to reach all the content i do through google / reddit. this used to be IRC, why can’t it be something else next?

FvH 🦣

@Gargron @JamesGleick Good luck to your wife. My wife thinks this is a very bad development, and I agree.



But it currently does not work that way, and that is the problem.

We, those of us here on Mastodon, can see Threads, but those on Threads, cannot see us.

Meta does not see itself as joining the Fediverse, but rather the Fediverse being forced to join them.

#Fediverse #Mastodon

Jamon Bull

@Gargron Sounds great, but @mosseri has recently said Threads is working towards its users having to opt in to Fediverse visibility. To me this is a total non-starter. 99% of users are not going to do that, especially if it’s a switch hidden somewhere in the settings menu.

Captain Dragonfrog Queernabs

@Gargron remember when Facebook sent an email when you got a FB direct message, and it contained the whole text of the message, and you could reply to the message from the privacy of your email service just by replying to the email?

Then remember how they rug-pulled that feature once it had served its purpose?

If you're at the poker table and you don't know who the sucker is, you're the sucker.


@Gargron the real #JohnMastodon wouldn’t allow Meta anywhere near the fediverse. He’d melt all their servers with the power of his mind

Ryan — Aqualith Media

@Gargron Have you had a look at Pixelfed yet? My account there never really gained traction, but didn't post enough images to make it worthwhile. That said, it's far more image-centric and fills that may fill that Instagram niche for those accustomed to it. And yes, fediverse :)

scrottie (he/him/they)

@Gargron I'm sure that will go better than when Google became the defacto RSS reader site then single handedly virtually killed RSS. Or Facebook and XMPP. Or Microsoft after they finally succeded in bankrupting Netscape Communications Corp and then left their own buggy, insecure browser to rot, very nearly killing the Web and driving people to desktop apps, or any of the countless other examples.

Robert Link

@Gargron That person X is happy about it doesn't make it a good idea.

Mr. w00t :verified2:

@Gargron One cannot have a fair bargain with Devil. No matter how promising and friendly the terms may seem, we're the ones who will suffer inevitably and bitterly in the end. It's just how life on this planet works, sadly.


@Gargron un-fucking-believable. This is *exactly* the same delusional wishful thinking with which people enthusiastically welcomed Google Chat and Facebook Messenger to the XMPP federation. Do you need a refresher on how that ended?

Anthony Stevens 🇪🇺 🇯🇲 💙


When someone sends me a post link from another instance, I get a message telling me to use my instance details to login to the other instance so I can see the post, & this rarely works without logging me out of my instance & throwing up errors.

Is this what's supposed to happen in the Mastodon Fediverse, or am I missing something?

I ask because I'm struggling to see how you can connect with Thread accounts on Mastodon (or vice versa), if you don't have a presence on both?

Bart Veldhuizen 🚀

@Gargron while she can see their posts, she won’t be able to interact with them yet, right?

hansup 🍉

@Gargron It is puzzling that you refuse to see reality: the only goal of meta is to destroy mastodon. Their business is ads and they don’t care about privacy. Meta is a monster, it will eat you alive. You will loose everything you have created. Reconsider. Or is it to late? They are already in your room, head and heart?


@Gargron glad no Spoutible I heard there Russia code website 👀

Geoff Winkless

@Gargron you're right, it will change the game. Interacting with Threads will mean leakage of both ads and privacy.


@Gargron @rstockm Yes, this! I‘m quite sad that many fediverse admins don‘t see this and block Threads by default (like those of my instance). 😕


There is a reason I left all Meta products behind - and I don't want to have to deal with them ever again.
There is also a reason why I left - looks like I might have to turn my back on your little instance as well if it goes as we expect it will.

Carlo Gubitosa :nonviolenza:

@Gargron this was yesterday. Today we discovered that federation on threads will be user-based and opt-in, so nothing grants that Instagram connections will be accessible from Mastodon. I really and sincerely respect your vision, your optimism and your positive attitude, I can see that you are full of hope and I trust you, but that company and its management is full of 💩 and shouldn’t be trusted.



I'm not sure about a lot of the different things I have been hearing lately when it comes to #Threads opening up to #TheFediverse . But I do understand a lot of the trepidation and concerns.

One of the things I love best here is that there are no ads, no algorithm pushing trolls & ads into my feed, no one tracking my data, etc. And now it sounds like those are going away?? (At least partially.)

I would appreciate your authoritative and informed opinion on this RT of a toot from @mastodonmigration .

#ThreadsApp #Mastodon #Fediverse


I'm not sure about a lot of the different things I have been hearing lately when it comes to #Threads opening up to #TheFediverse . But I do understand a lot of the trepidation and concerns.

One of the things I love best here is that there are no ads, no algorithm pushing trolls & ads into my feed, no one tracking my data, etc. And now it sounds like those are going away?? (At least partially.)

liilliil 🇫🇯🇱🇨🇱🇧

@Gargron фууублядь. Лучше бомжиху ебать, чем инстаграмщицу

Jay Baker

@Gargron ...and get to access all the hatespeech that comes from Threads, which would face mass defederation if it was a standard Mastodon server.

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