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Auto Alt-Text and Caption Translations are popular requests for the @pixelfed app

The only way I'm comfortable implementing these are only if it can be on device, sending media or captions to an API is unacceptable for privacy reasons

That being said, I am making progress on this, though its limited to a few languages now, I look forward to shipping and expanding support for other langs

#pixelfed #pixelfedApp #privacy


@pixelfed This is why the app size is so big, I am testing this on Android and iOS.

I do expect our app bundle size to decrease to a reasonable size once I focus on optimization


@dansup @pixelfed out of curiosity, are you using the same thingy that mozilla uses for local translations?

Tobias - The Stuttering Nerd

@pixelfed @schrottkatze @dansup nice! I always assumed and notes that MLKit only supports english in e.g. image recognition.
Could you please reply which MLKit framework do you use to e.g. get a German summary?


@dansup @pixelfed on the topic of app dev. Is there a way to get error reports from the Android app and then back to you?
The current version does not load images anymore. And I am not sure whether it's the instance I am using or the app.

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