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Girl on the Net

My biggest pet peeve is restaurants/gigs/events or venues of any kind which have a social media page instead of a website. I don't have fucking instagram, so I literally can't see your menu/lineup? Even if I had instagram, it's an entirely inaccessible format so would be fucking useless? These platforms are for promotion, not for hosting vital information.

Girl on the Net

At an absolute minimum, you need a really basic website for location/info/contact. You literally cannot rely on Insta for this, it is not fit for that purpose ARGH.

Girl on the Net

Do not get me started on PUNK EVENTS that require me to open and interact with FACEBOOK in order to buy tickets. Fucking FACEBOOK. You're meant to be punk, goddammit.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@girlonthenet #NSAbook is a general "won't use & can't use" to me since their #ToS are just inacceptable!!!



> You're meant to be punk, goddammit

I see your point. I think that being on Facebook may be the least punk thing to be, ever.



Punk events should have standalone websites distributed on IPFS


@girlonthenet Yeah, restaurants mostly tend to use Instagram, which is a pain if you just want to find their phone number, which they don't have and/or never answer anyway. But the cocktails look good, right?



what do you think of Gravatar? if I may ask.

Girl on the Net

@Ttroika the thing where it pulls your info across wordpress sites?

Girl on the Net

@Ttroika I don't really know enough about it to have an opinion tbh



its all good. but now that i read your other post about this I understand better.


@girlonthenet hard same. I've never had a fb/insta and never will, and I shouldn't have to use either of those for basic business info.


@ytinipra @girlonthenet This. I am Zuck-free and that's never going to change. You're not going to get my trade if your only web presence is on Facebook.

Vex Machina

@girlonthenet My band's *only* web presence is this but people always ask for our Instagram and seem baffled that we even have a website

Coralie Renée

@pikesley @girlonthenet

And that you only have :mastodon:




Ok now I understand what you are talking about and yes I agree

Lisa Hamilton

@girlonthenet Welcome to West Virginia, where the entire and only Internet is Facebook. They're too stupid to comprehend there's more to it than what Zuckerberg gives them

Even our useless public utilities only post on Facebook, so I have missed several important notifications, like being under a boil water order

Those companies don't deserve your business


@girlonthenet Same and as you said they're both terrible ways of presenting information like menus

Lynn Sacco 🏳️‍🌈

@girlonthenet And sorry, Insta Restaurants, but all the food pics you post look exactly alike - all those swirls on everything. It makes me snort, not hungry.

Vixen Blu

This has been my pet peeve for years. I feel it from just being another online person, as well as from the perspective as a SWer and (seperately) as a web designer

Lots of things I have to stay on the outside with bc I won't touch Zuck/Meta with a 50 foot barge pole

Jonah Burke-Kleinman

@girlonthenet you think that’s bad, when I went to look up information from the Quebec government about an evacuation due to possible flooding, Google Maps only links Facebook. This is a life or death potential disaster and I don’t have a Facebook account.

Ben Tasker

@girlonthenet The best pizza takeaway in town only has a Facebook page - you have to scroll back through their posts to try and find the most recent copy of their menu.

Presumably it works for them, but we just don't order from there because who wants to do that much fucking work to order a takeaway?

James Scholes

@ben This describes literally every food outlet in the Mexican town where I live. If you're lucky, some of them will also have a product list on WhatsApp, otherwise it's searching through endless images — it's always images, never text that you can Control-F — until you decide to throw a frozen lasagna in the oven instead. @girlonthenet

Kee Hinckley

@ben @girlonthenet I don’t understand why FB, which is in many countries is the default home page for businesses, doesn’t have better support for menus, and in particular, generating them from photos.

Not that I *want* them to become any better at that.


@nazgul @ben @girlonthenet Clicking a business’ web page that redirected to Facebook page on my old laptop with my old login credentials cached is what led me to discover that Facebook did not in fact delete my profile that I had requested to be completely deleted years prior. I was like ​:pika:​

Bill the Galactic Hero

@girlonthenet Totally. Although I include Facebook in this as well. I’m not going to join FB to read your menu. I just move on to another place.

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@girlonthenet Then there are those restaurants that don't have websites at all, just pages.

British Tech Guru

@girlonthenet I regard businesses with websites as vaguely suspect,


@girlonthenet "My biggest pet peeve is restaurants/gigs/events or venues of any kind which have a social media page instead of a website."

True 👍 This is frustrating to someone who doesn't use (or own) a Facebook account. We can't even get basic info, it's all locked behind account required tracking. Sometimes I'll get the RSS and read that. Other times I'll just never be a patron of that place again. Also, local townships, cities, police, fire, etc follow this horrible practice. #privacy


There are so many people avoiding social media or specific sites, it's ridiculous to pigeonhole their clients like that.

As stupid as giving a QR code for the menu. I left my phone at home because I don't need cell service to eat.

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