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Girl on the Net

At an absolute minimum, you need a really basic website for location/info/contact. You literally cannot rely on Insta for this, it is not fit for that purpose ARGH.

Girl on the Net

Do not get me started on PUNK EVENTS that require me to open and interact with FACEBOOK in order to buy tickets. Fucking FACEBOOK. You're meant to be punk, goddammit.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@girlonthenet #NSAbook is a general "won't use & can't use" to me since their #ToS are just inacceptable!!!



> You're meant to be punk, goddammit

I see your point. I think that being on Facebook may be the least punk thing to be, ever.



Punk events should have standalone websites distributed on IPFS


@girlonthenet Yeah, restaurants mostly tend to use Instagram, which is a pain if you just want to find their phone number, which they don't have and/or never answer anyway. But the cocktails look good, right?



what do you think of Gravatar? if I may ask.

Girl on the Net

@Ttroika the thing where it pulls your info across wordpress sites?

Girl on the Net

@Ttroika I don't really know enough about it to have an opinion tbh



its all good. but now that i read your other post about this I understand better.

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