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Not David Beckham

I wish I could read the Irish Times article referenced in this Wikipedia page

David Revoy

@jrod3737 Same, I was sad reference [43] was behind this very strong paywall. I couldn't also digg into this part because of that.

národní prase
@davidrevoy @jrod3737 Put it into, I just tried it and it works to get around the paywall

@xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737 since I've been seeing a lot lately: would you happen to know why it's booming so much? All I have are bad experiences, if you've set up an even slightly private browser config you get stuck in an endless cloudflare loop almost every time.


@groxx @davidrevoy @jrod3737 well, because it works? (for me). only had the paywalled version, had the readable one, and that's pretty much all I looked for :)


@xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737 aaah, saving through paywalls would explain a lot of it, yeah. Thanks! Hard to notice stuff like that when it won't even load.

Thanasis Kinias

@xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737
that site’s totally broken for me—it just endlessly redirects to captcha


@tkinias @xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737 re: endlessly redirecting to captcha, that is a problem for some IPs but not others


@tkinias @xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737 anyway I felt pretty sad and disgusted when I first discovered this. Why couldn't somebody who discovers something amazing just be a non-shitty person?

Thanasis Kinias

@waterbear @xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737
yeah, agreed—there seems to be something very toxic in how we treat ‘genius’ men that encourages this kind of shittiness


@waterbear @tkinias @xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737
As I’ve grown older I’ve come to understand people as universally flawed. It’s a matter of degree that makes someone heroic or villainous. Everyone has the stench of being fully human and chock full of mistakes and ugly bits.
But the ones who abuse others, most especially the vulnerable - those are the ones deserving a full account without the airbrush of nostalgia or grace.


A few weeks back, it was affecting Firefox, but not Chrome.
@tkinias @xpac @davidrevoy @jrod3737

Nicole Parsons

@davidrevoy @jrod3737

You can access most paywalled material if you have a library card.

Mine uses PressReader.


@davidrevoy @jrod3737
Until you pass the paywall, consider he is a pedophile and he is not a pedophile

Tobias Kummer

@davidrevoy @jrod3737 Putting that Irish Times article URL into worked for me!

David Revoy

@Bibobu Yes, an edit that happened after I published this post. ( src: ) and it is a good thing. Thanks to the Wikipedian user who did this update and probably keep an eye on the comments here! 💜

(also, yay, French page mention it )


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