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tiddy roosevelt

it's my keyboard's 30th birthday today, give him booosts! :toot:

Jason Reed

@babe I remember those keyboards, they were awesome. Does yours have the DIN plug? If so how do you connect it in the world of USB?

tiddy roosevelt

@jrsofty PS/2 for this one. You can get converters for them (has to be a converter though, not just an adapter)

Jason Reed

@babe I learned computer repair in the late 80's and early 90's and at that time the PS/2 was just starting to become popular. Most of the IBMs we worked on were still using the DIN.

Aw for the days when the computer hanged you could simply kill the power and it would reboot after like nothing happened 🤣


@babe @jrsofty My main keyboard is even a year older (from '92) and I have to use two adapters: One PC-to-PS/2 and one PS/2-to-USB.

Matt King 🌻

@babe what will you do to celebrate? Esc to the Space Bar to get Shift-faced?


@babe Happy birthday old fella! ⌨️🎂🥳

ray (he/him) 🐇

@babe wild that that keyboard is about as old as me lol


@babe Made in Britain 🤣🤣🤣😉

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@Sapristiki 🤣🤣🤣

One of "The IT Crowd" best scenes, f***ing hilarious!


🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@Sapristiki Yep, I am! by definition, for all humans except newborn I guess 🤣

"You do know how a button works, don't you?"


Trammell Hudson

@babe oh no I just missed my keyboards birthday! We’ll have to throw a party next year.

Mike, First of His Name

@th @babe I missed mine's birthday too! I'm a Bad Dad. ☹️

tiddy roosevelt

@mike @th Well welcome to the keyboard party thread anyway!

Hans Meier 1312

@th oooh Spacesaver ... would love to have one of those, but decided on a Beamspring due to budget limits.


Absolutely gorgeous, she's a beauty!
Are you left-handed?
I've been contemplating buying that exact trackball, are you happy woth how it works?


@babe , well looked after, deserves a boost.

Michael P

@babe Happy Birthday to the president's vice!


@babe I have one of those! You've inspired me to dig it out and use it as my daily driver.

tiddy roosevelt

@kestral It's so satisfying to type on. Annoys the ever living fuck out of everyone as a handy little side bonus


@babe Ah, I think I'll take it to the office then. For bonus points.

Jochen Diekenbrock

@babe @kestral strange, it even smaller and quieter than this one:

I don't know how old mine is, the badge is missing. I once had a second one as backup. After a few years I realized that the first one will probably live longer than I, so I just sold the backup on eBay.

Luca Sironi

@babe with a ps/2 to usb converter, is perfect for writing on the fediverse!

Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

@babe Happy birthday! I also once had one of these IBM clickety-click things (German layout though)…


it's an IBM, so, ok cool! :toot:
make it 50 ⌨️

try to switch keyboards frequently,
every other year or so. ott & weird i know, just feels cleaner.
my fave cherry being discontinued doesn't help.

tiddy roosevelt

@kompaktkiste I've had this one since I was a kid. I always really liked it, no one else in the family really did so I just kept it as everyone else in the house went for the softer ones instead. I do have a Royal Kludge for when I'm in the house, this one has sadly now been banished to my office in the garden which, well, it doesn't seem that unfair when you hear it 😬


@babe harhar fair enough CLONKITY CLONK BONK

(says one 🐺 who went for a mouse with less clicknoise)

Tim WIcinski

@babe i love those keyboards! Give it a great birthday


@babe I guess they built those things to last. I share a birthday with your keyboard but I'm twice as old.


@babe I expect you to get more interactions on this post than on your nudes… for some reasons ppl here have taste in keyboards but none in boobs.

Hyperbolix Prudens

@babe Mine has a few years to go, yet. But they are still the best. happy Birthday to yours...

Hans Meier 1312

@babe Awww ... blue label Model M <3
Some of mine must be 30 by now as well, celebrating their retirement from my Desktop ever since I got a Model F77 reproduction clocking in a 4kg 🦾

tiddy roosevelt

@lunte161 Bloody hell, that's a hefty amount of keyboard

Jaco G

@babe Great for typing on AND self defense.


@babe aww nice. Mine is coming up in a couple of years!

John Linton Roberson

@babe Man, that thing was designed to survive a nuke

Alexander Shendi


Many happy RETURNS, Mr. Big Blue Keyboard!

Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

@babe Mine has another year to go. They grow up so fast ..

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@babe I own one, too and it's in great shape. Yours could need a little love (means cleaning) ... ;-)


Happy Birthday to the keyboard.
My office keyboard must be at least 20 years by now😄 hope it stays as long as yours.

Massimiliano Siddi

@babe You look way too young to have used it back in 1993. 🤔🧐

Anyway, I liked these type of keyboards a lot. Cherry used to produce similar models. But typing was very loud. And you could beat someone to a bloody pulp with it and still use it as if nothing happened.

tiddy roosevelt

@realbloginista It was rescued from a skip around 95 and put on the home computer, which is how I ended up with it!

They are so horrendously loud, it's amazing

Jan Walzer

I rather wonder if this is a moire pattern on the shirt or is the picture designed that way?

Congrats to the keyboard youngster!

tiddy roosevelt

@jwalzer moire? It's a mastodon t-shirt, just a bit stretched as it's tied at the back

Jan Walzer

I'm nerd enough to trigger on these colour fringes when I see them ... Looks like a moire pattern to me. Then I would assume that the motiv is digitally printed with dithering and then transferred as a whole to the shirt ...

But I could be totally off ... Sorry

tiddy roosevelt

@Reb I've had enough cake and ice cream for the both of us


@babe jealous. Whenever I do my shopping I think I should buy ice cream, but then I don't. So all I have is 2020 vintage ice poles, which isn't quite the same.

tiddy roosevelt

@Reb I make my own ice cream at home! Gives so many options for flavours that you can't easily get in shops


@babe I have a book by Ben and Jerry that teaches how to make ice cream, but every recipe feels like it'll cost £420 and cause some sort of catastrophic failure of my body from sugar alone!

Cake on the other hand, I like making cake. I used to have a reputation at work for making cakes that looked like boring old loafs but were the most moist and rich cakes going.

Monty Zuma :unverified:

@babe you could give the space
key a bleach treatment...

tiddy roosevelt

@MontyZuma Yeah, I intend to give it a full going over at some point

@babe they don’t make them like this anymore…
Rackuur :artpaw:

@babe New Buttons? Usualy the Letters disapear through use. Also the space Button Shows Signs of usage. Whats your Secret?


@babe My 1391406 says happy birthday youngster! (mine is a 1991-07-25 grey badge)


@babe Wow. You are a human of culture. The British IBM Model M is perhaps the finest keyboard ever made.

@babe Ho, gratulon!
Ĉu ĝi estis ofte uzata dum ĉiuj 30 jaroj?
Kaj ĉu ankoraŭ ekzistas klavaroj, faritaj en UR?

Oh, congratulations!
How often has it been used during these 30 years?
Also, do the keyboards manufactured in the UK still exist?
@babe Ho, gratulon!
Ĉu ĝi estis ofte uzata dum ĉiuj 30 jaroj?
Kaj ĉu ankoraŭ ekzistas klavaroj, faritaj en UR?


@babe Still use an old Cherry 3000, one of the first having a windows key. Using a DIN-PS2 adapter.

tiddy roosevelt

@48kRAM Yup. Poor thing has had a brutal life with me, but it's still much loved

Pēteris Krišjānis

@babe those things are built to last, and occasionally to be used to kill someone 😳😅 How do you connect it, via some USB converter?

tiddy roosevelt

@peteriskrisjanis Yep. It has to be a PS/2 to USB *converter* specifically though, simple USB adapters won't work

Pēteris Krišjānis

@babe nice 😊 I have used these quite a lot - showing my age here 🫣 - is it ok to use it? I remember them being quite wide

Graham Perrin


Dear keyboard

Happy birthday.

Here, have my last carrot.

Yours sincerely
Bunny Rabbit


I can hear it clicking from here! 😀

Lewis Edwards

@babe "I'll just sit this down next to the rest of the fire."

Jenny 🏳️‍🌈⚢🂡∞⛤


Happy birthday to the great keyboard. Or, as a buckling-spring keyed keyboard might say:




Looks good for an old board. Probably built better than even some new keyboards out there now.

Kara Goldfinch

@babe I'd love to see one of those. Shame that shops don't stock the new ones.

claire, lesbnyans~ 💜⚸

@babe nice! mine is also a blue ibm era one, manufactured august 4 1994


@babe That's a fine keyboard.

Here's the one from my daily driver.


@babe Mine's 30th coming up in a few months :)

tiddy roosevelt

It's a keyboard party in the replies to end out keyboard week, and everyone's invited :bananadance:

M. The Crystalline Entity

@babe But it’s my keyboard’s birthday, give me boosts!


@babe Happy birthday! Does he have a name? :)

Squish :ir:

@babe I miss these real keyboards so much. Wishing your clacky wonder many more years!

Reminds me I need to post some of my retro gubbins on here. I keep meaning to fire up the PET, but it requires moving the PET.

Ken Brucker

@babe Loved the feel on those, but the ctrl key location killed me. Heavy emacs user back then and ended up with severe pain as a result. Thankfully not lasting. For daily use I need an ergo keyboard now, still searching for the right one.

liebach 🏳️‍🌈

@babe My keyboard is much younger, and dream of becoming as big as yours when it grow up. (I get errors when I try and add alt text to the picture. :flan_despair:​ Sorry.)


@babe I can hear that keyboard just by looking at it.

Claudio C.

@babe I can HEAR it. Tlickity tickety tick!

Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

@babe miss those old bulky much better than contemporary keyboards

Rolf Blijleven

@babe Remember Depeche Mode? "You're indestructible-hel". That was about this keyboard. Not many people know this.

The House Of Sports Misery

@babe I can't think of one technological item I still own from 30 years ago except MAYBE some CDs, but since I don't play them anymore I probably shouldn't count them anyway.

I'm impressed!

Teapot Ben

@babe happy birthday Clicky Roosevelt!

Derek Dahlsad

@babe mine hasn't been plugged in for quite some time but I still have him around for sentimental value. It's birthday is next Valentines Day!

John Mark :blobcatverified: ☑️

@babe And in other news... 1993 was *30 years ago*



@babe so beatiful, i had one exactly like that one, now i have an Epson to restore from late 80s


@babe 🎉 happy 30th birthday, 1391406\1396719 EC 528771!🎂 🎉 🖖🏽 live long and prosper!


@babe Congratulations! Now as you mention it... my M had its 30th last month :-)


@babe ok I knew I needed to be following you when I see this post and the very relatable possum pic :D


@babe Now the important question: Is your keyboard older than you? And if not, can you get one that's older than you, just for the shitpost (I know I would)

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode:

@babe Wait a moment, that sticker reminds me of ... let's compare with my old #IBM #keyboard from

Oh yes, most probably the same production line and even a bit older. 🤓


@babe now I miss my first ever keyboard, it was very similar to a model M, a bit older than yours, but with a trackball which I loved.
Too bad I didn't keep it, I am still using a trackball with my main desktop computer, though.
I can't even find a picture of it.

Andy Piper

@babe nice t-shirt, BTW - what's that from?

Linda Bell

[1993? That’s pretty recent. Your math is off.]
Weeeelllll, crap, that WAS 30 years ago 🙃

Happy birthday keyboard, and many more!

Paul McO'Smith III

@babe ah, good old Greenock! my goodness, that was back in the days when IBM made things!

funny, the keyboard on my laptop has just as many keys! somewhat more smallerer, though!

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