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tiddy roosevelt

It's a keyboard party in the replies to end out keyboard week, and everyone's invited :bananadance:

tiddy roosevelt

As a side note I can't open this thread without destroying the browser tab now

tiddy roosevelt

@diffractie It seems to be the replies that are doing it, if I just don't click on the OP I seem to be good 🤞


@babe Is there anything you're not a menace to?

tiddy roosevelt

@KatS I'll have to consult @neil on that to be sure but I'm pretty sure the correct answer to this is "no"

Neil Brown

@babe @KatS


Thank you for your message pertaining to doot's status as a [menace, oik, character of disrepute, or similar].

Having considered all available options, at length, I can confirm that doot is all of the above, and probably more.

tiddy roosevelt

In a curious twist, found someone on masto who worked in the factory at the time this was produced and may have played a part in its manufacture.

Jason Reed

@babe queue the music of "It's a small world after all" 😁

tiddy roosevelt

@jrsofty Not the first time i've had a Small World moment on here either.
I ended up getting back in touch with someone who I knew on IRC around 20 years ago after spotting them talking to a mutual a while ago. Can't help but wonder how many degrees of separation we all have from each other if you just find the right topic

Yves L. Jardin-Noam

So you're telling us that you have been instrumental in reuniting an adopted child with its biological parent? You may even say you were key in capping this story?

PS(/2): I'm really trying to stretch for a pun here.

tiddy roosevelt

@evilgardengnome Bravo! The context was key and you really managed to shift the bar a notch higher to make it work.


@babe You've got a few months on mine. (Top not shown as it badly needs a bath.)

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