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"Three years ago, Apple introduced a privacy-enhancing feature that hid the Wi-Fi address of iPhones and iPads when they joined a network. On Wednesday, the world learned that the feature has never worked as advertised."

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@evacide Another killer article by @dangoodin

Also... figures 😑 yay it's fixed! 😌

(edit: 30% more happy)

Nate Bartram

@evacide I'm not one of those hyper Apple hater types, but it's getting pretty exhausting seeing that so much of their alleged privacy-preserving innovations have turned out to be cosmetic theater. App labels, the "do not track" toggle, now this. /sigh


@nateb I must have missed that. What’s wrong with app labels?

Nate Bartram

@ornaled There's virtually no enforcement. If you find them to be false, you can report them to Apple (I haven't seen any studies on how seriously Apple takes these reports but given their track record, I would have to assume "probably not very"). As a result, several investigations have found large percentages of them to be false. A handful of sources:,,

@ornaled There's virtually no enforcement. If you find them to be false, you can report them to Apple (I haven't seen any studies on how seriously Apple takes these reports but given their track record, I would have to assume "probably not very"). As a result, several investigations have found large percentages of them to be false. A handful of sources:,


@nateb Oh, that sucks. And it looked like such a good concept :/
Thanks, Nate, for the answer.

Simon Green

@evacide Well, it definitely works *sometimes* - drove me mad trying to keep throttles on the kids phones so my wife and I could actually work when we only had a ****ty 10Mbps VDSL connection.

EDIT - ah, hidden in a different part of the message. :-/

Brian Swetland

@evacide That is just kind of embarrassing.

I mean I can absolutely see how it could happen -- the decision of what MAC to stuff in the source address could easily come from a slightly different path than the information stuffed in the discovery packet, etc.

But you'd also think for a Serious Security/Privacy Feature, one might do a bit more extensive testing, and just observing beacon/discovery/arp/etc traffic to see if all is well would be a pretty reasonable thing.

Ian McKellar

@swetland @evacide
Whenever I talk to people at Apple I'm horrified by how understaffed their teams are. I get the sense that Apple is like that xkcd cartoon on the inside:

George Girton

@evacide Well, at least “in the last 7 days Safari has prevented 71 trackers from profiling me” 🍸😹 And they fixed the MAC address disclosure?🍸😺

Francis 🏴‍☠️ Gulotta

@evacide at least it wasn't so obvious that pre-existing stalking tech would have kept working

Daniel Weinberg

@evacide I would see this on my iDevices and always thought it seemed too good to be true!

PKPs Powerfromspace1

@evacide hello #samsung are you listening opportunities comes a knocking

Thumb One

MAC Spoofing is a pain anyhow and killed effective MAC based access to a LAN.

@thumbone You can turn it off on any network you wish. For my home network and network at family homes I maintain I ensure all spoofing is off.



Dear friends and fiends of privacy,
As we know Apple are liars and can not be trusted. Sad but true. Just like facebook and Google, Hex-twitter and mis-governments etc. they have turned us into data to be sold the latest set of 'Billionaires are your friends', 'War is for your welfare' and other ownership lies. They have failed. They are not fit to wank, swank or shank ... :ablobcatwave:

There are solutions, here is one in its early stages. :blobheart:

Remember the lobster principles of #privacy:
- Be Open about your closets
- Breathe Garlic (good for vampires)
- Be the revolting you want to sear
- Be #happy, #humble and a menace

In the words of The Prisoner, Joseph Pat McGoohan, 'I'm not a number, I am a free lobster'

Have a great day everyone. Save the world if you can-can. Support the screaming if you are able. Join the silent, that will not be silenced And stay sane (if possible) It's a crazy #world.


Dear friends and fiends of privacy,
As we know Apple are liars and can not be trusted. Sad but true. Just like facebook and Google, Hex-twitter and mis-governments etc. they have turned us into data to be sold the latest set of 'Billionaires are your friends', 'War is for your welfare' and other ownership lies. They have failed. They are not fit to wank, swank or shank ... :ablobcatwave:

There are solutions, here is one in its early stages. :blobheart:

Magnus Ahltorp

@evacide ”In 2013, a researcher unveiled a proof-of-concept device that logged the MAC of all devices it came into contact with.”

This seems to refer to a Black Hat 2013 demonstration in the summer of 2013. We had already exhibited an artwork doing this at Art Hack Day in Stockholm in the spring, and we probably weren’t the first ones.

Magnus Ahltorp

@evacide “From the get-go, this feature was useless because of this bug,”

This is incorrect.

“never worked as advertised” is correct, though. Passive MAC address snooping was prevented, but information was leaked when you connected to a network.


@evacide Shocker...I wouldn't be surprised if there are more Apple "privacy features" that have never worked as advertised.


@gabehcuod @evacide the feature works fine for most people. as the article says, it might not give enough protection to people who could be specifically targeted

April Phoenix

@evacide oh that’s less impactful than i thought

if the feature that rotates the identifier when the device is unassociated and scanning for networks didn’t work, i’d actually be scared 🦋

The Janx Devil

@evacide Oh FFS, they were using the HW identifier in mDNS advertisements? That makes me extremely sad.

spla :senyera: :vim:

@retiolus és curiós que ningú ho hagi descobert fins que la pròpia Apple ha alliberat l'actualització que ho soluciona.


@spla és "igual" que s'hagués "descobert" o no... el cas és que els aparells no eren anònims com Apple assegurava. Bàsicament, pagar per una funcionalitat inexistent i seguir sent rastrejat com tothom.

spla :senyera: :vim:

@retiolus no hi ha evidències que s'hagi "rastrejat" cap dispositiu ja que ningú ho sabia fins que Apple ha aplicat l'actualització. Si Apple no hagués dit res cap mitjà hauria publicat "Apple enganya als seus usuaris".Parlar malament d'Apple genera visites...


@spla no cal que hi hagi evidències? El wifi públic que ja rastrejava per raons comercials els parells connectats a la seva xarxa doncs... ho haurà seguit fent?

I "no hi ha evidències" fins que es faci públic que durant 3 anys tal empresa o tal govern ho ha utilitzat. El que passa sempre bàsicament 😂

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