
Dear friends and fiends of privacy,
As we know Apple are liars and can not be trusted. Sad but true. Just like facebook and Google, Hex-twitter and mis-governments etc. they have turned us into data to be sold the latest set of 'Billionaires are your friends', 'War is for your welfare' and other ownership lies. They have failed. They are not fit to wank, swank or shank ... :ablobcatwave:

There are solutions, here is one in its early stages. :blobheart:

Remember the lobster principles of #privacy:
- Be Open about your closets
- Breathe Garlic (good for vampires)
- Be the revolting you want to sear
- Be #happy, #humble and a menace

In the words of The Prisoner, Joseph Pat McGoohan, 'I'm not a number, I am a free lobster'

Have a great day everyone. Save the world if you can-can. Support the screaming if you are able. Join the silent, that will not be silenced And stay sane (if possible) It's a crazy #world.