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Matthias Pfefferle

The fediverse has arrived at ❤️

thanks @mattwiebe and #wordpressdotcom and #Automattic and all other contributors!!!

This is amazing!!!

#wordpress #activitypub #fediverse

Colin Devroe

@pfefferle @mattwiebe please release some stats as sites enable the feature! Congrats on this milestone.

Matthias Pfefferle

@cdevroe @mattwiebe we plan to build a NodeInfo endpoint so that you will see the stats on

73 million seconds

@mattwiebe wonderful! I had a feeling this was imminent when I saw @pfefferle experimenting with a blog on his timeline :P

Jonathan Eggers

@pfefferle I'm glad WordPress has added this as an option for sites. A plugin has been available for self-hosted WordPress installs. I've been running it on my personal site and it works nicely: @jonathan. I have it set up that if someone replies in Mastodon it will show up in a comment on the site and vice-versa.

jaz :twt: :wales_flag:

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Fantastic news! Congrats and thank you for your work getting to this point!

@pfefferle @mattwiebe
Good news, but...
why didn't itself enable federation on this blog's account ? At least with me this entry is not federating....
BeAware :fediverse:

@pfefferle does the latest iteration allow for replies to the comments directly from the blog account to be federated? Or is that still planned for a future version? Either way. This is awesome and I'm super glad it exists.


@pfefferle @mattwiebe I def did not expect this, but this is really cool!

Ryan Schultz

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this! Thanks 😃


@pfefferle @mattwiebe still half assed though by auttomatic. Better plugins exist that let you choose an already existing account rather than adding another wordpress account to the millions already out there with an obscure name


@mattwiebe @pfefferle only through though since jetpack has had it's functionality reduced so much and you are desperate for money


@mattwiebe @pfefferle thanks but no thanks. Keeping it effectively behind a paywall via Jetpack isn't really what I see as in the spirit of the fediverse. As I said better plugins exist

חנוכה שאָקירײן :she_her::neocat_floof_cute:

cc: @bracken

I guess the issue you were having previously with it being a paid-only feature has been fixed :)

Tomáš Znamenáček

@pfefferle @mattwiebe “In addition, replies to your posts from these platforms are automatically turned into comments on your WordPress blog, creating a more interactive and dynamic conversation around your content. Synchronicity for the win!” 🎉

Andy Piper

@pfefferle @mattwiebe fantastic work, Matthias! I ended up moving up to a paid plan while I was waiting for this to arrive on dotcom (and, I'll stay on that), but I am really excited to see Wordpress join the rest of the #fediverse!


@pfefferle @mattwiebe @tobias I found that setting a couple of days ago. It works really well 😀

Something beginning with R

@pfefferle @lisamelton @mattwiebe Cool! What I really want to know is if I have a Fediverse profile as part of a WordPress blog, will I ever be able to login to that with 3rd party Mastodon apps etc and post from them? Basically I want to have a single Fediverse presence on my own domain which includes my website posts but also oats from apps etc…

…did any of that make sense…?

Matthias Pfefferle

@Rch @lisamelton @mattwiebe it makes totally sense, we talked about that lately and our colleague @alex already build a plugin

everytime this has been brought up over the past couple of months I've asked the same question:

What is WP's privacy policy for visitors to content hosted on WP? Last time I checked only WP account holders are explicitly named.

I don't really expect an answer but I do want to give everyone, WP users and non, pause for thought about the implications of accessing content on WP.

Ivor Hewitt

@mattwiebe @Gargron oooh might be time to move myself off blogger - which while still working does seem to have been abandoned by Google - I'm forever anticipating that 'oh we killed that' update.


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Not yet working for me. My site appears when I search for it on Mastodon, but for some reason it requires approval to follow, yet no request is sent. I'm sure it'll be ironed out soon.

Matt Wiebe

@imarc @pfefferle I was able to follow ok from my Mastodon account here, didn't see anything about follow approval


@mattwiebe @pfefferle It's showing 0 followers, are you still following? What happens for me is: it appears to follow, but when I reload, it acts as if I have a request pending.

Matt Wiebe

@imarc @pfefferle Yeah smells like some trouble between and our servers, I signed up and am waiting for approval to see what's happening


@mattwiebe @pfefferle Interesting, *something* happened when you followed. Thanks for checking.

Rodrigo Ghedin

@pfefferle @mattwiebe awesome! You said that upgrading to a custom domain “not only emphasizes your unique identity but also enhances profile portability and unlocks additional settings and features”. May I ask which “additional settings and features”?

Matt Wiebe

@manualdousuario @pfefferle sorry, that's not quite right, we'll have to correct it. Essentially if you move to our Business Plan, you can run the full plugin and access all of its settings

Rodrigo Ghedin

@mattwiebe @pfefferle cool! I'm at Business Plan, and curious regarding all of its settings. Is there a doc I can read about?

Matt Wiebe

@manualdousuario we don't have any docs, yet, but you can browse the plugin, including its readme, and install it on your site:

Gerard Cunningham ✒️

@pfefferle @mattwiebe

That's going to need a bit more work before it's of use to average users. Lots of assumptions being made about the level of knowledge of anyone using it. Lots of press button and wonder why nothing happens apart from an occasional incomprehensible error message

Matt Wiebe

@faduda @pfefferle we are very painfully aware, but you have to start somewhere

Gerard Cunningham ✒️

@mattwiebe @pfefferle

I'm sure, but it is enormously frustrating as an end user to be offered a product that should have been clearly labeled as beta (or even alpha) without any indication that it isn't going to just plug and play.

UX should be at the start of the process, not an add-on.

Panos Damelos Great news! Cheers to everyone who worked on this! ​:blobbonelove:​

Fabian Schaar

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Very cool and many thanks. Does this mean the plugin is out of beta now?


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Thanks for the great work. The plugin worked perfect even though I am not on 🙌 Just hooked it up today!


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Great news! Now to start blogging again...


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Amazing news, exciting stuff. I imagine there will be isolated tears and garment rending about post replies being displayed as comments but I have no time for that.
#Fediverse #WordPress #ActivityPub #OneProtocolToRuleThemAll #WhatIsTheOrcishWordForProtocol #IBetTolkienWouldHateItHere


@pfefferle @mattwiebe
That's awesome. Anybody used it yet? What if you already have a domain for your blog?

Matthias Pfefferle

@Woodchaz @mattwiebe no problem, then it simply works with your custom domain. :)

Ben Carlsson

@pfefferle @mattwiebe “ActivityPub is a WordPress plugin that facilitates seamless integration between your blog and a host of federated platforms”

That’s claiming quite a bit of credit 🥲


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Awesome! Now just make it part of the downloadable WordPress version by default as well!

I still miss the early days of blogging when pingbacks used to work!

Just ensure this can't be easily taken advantage of. That's why pingbacks and comments have been disabled by most as of now.

pancake :verified:

@pfefferle @mattwiebe any wordpress instance with this plugin around to test as a reader? Can we search for them somehow?

Matthias Pfefferle

@pancake @mattwiebe you can try my blog, but it's german or matts or @alex or @jeremy

If you search for more #wordpress blogs, maybe this is a nice address

D.J. Ramones

@pfefferle @mattwiebe I didn't know this was coming to non-Business sites, so this is amazing. I activated it immediately on my blog.

After testing though, I realized that one of the "fine-grained controls" not available to non-Business sites is the ability to restrict the AP content to just excerpts. This is quite a dealbreaker for me as I'd rather not have my articles being syndicated in full. Am I missing something or is this really not available for configuration? I'll reluctantly disable AP for my site in the meantime.

Perhaps for other bloggers it's not as much of a big deal, so this is still great news. Thanks for working on this. 🍻

@pfefferle @mattwiebe I didn't know this was coming to non-Business sites, so this is amazing. I activated it immediately on my blog.

After testing though, I realized that one of the "fine-grained controls" not available to non-Business sites is the ability to restrict the AP content to just excerpts. This is quite a dealbreaker for me as I'd rather not have my articles being syndicated in full. Am I missing something or is this really not available for configuration? I'll reluctantly disable AP...

Matthias Pfefferle

@djramones @mattwiebe this is the first version and we are not done yet, I will add your request to the list! :)

D.J. Ramones

@pfefferle @mattwiebe oh that's just awesome!! I was ready to accept that Automattic would just paywall that setting 😅

Matt Wiebe

@djramones @pfefferle you never know for sure but the chance of customizations like that being un-paywalled is pretty small 🤏🏻

D.J. Ramones

@mattwiebe yeah I'd understand if this remains a paid feature, but the Business plan requirement is a bit too steep. I think it should be available on the Personal tier too, or better yet as an add-on.


Matt Wiebe

@djramones @pfefferle oh, entirely possible that non-Business paid plans will gain more features in the future, we're just getting started


@pfefferle @mattwiebe I am wondering about how it will work on Wordpress, as far as I know, you cannot just delete the ActivityPub without a proper remove like tootctl self-destruct command to not leave cache on another server and if you did forget, it would do a funky thing especially if you use the same domain.

So I wonder if the Wordpres plug-in already thinks about this problem and if it is safe to install and uninstall the plug-in without any problem.

Thank you in advance for your reply

Matthias Pfefferle

@dokter @mattwiebe this is indeed a good point. The plugin currently does not support a complete wipe out. It should be easy doable on but is really tricky on self installed versions.

Can you maybe file a GitHub issue for that?


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Done. I hope in the future release it will implemented.
The only thing that concerns me is not installing the plug-in to my self-hosted WordPress due to this problem.

If in the future I have to move my host will it break my ActivityPub federation, comments on my blog, etc.

Since connection to ActivityPub is good and it will put a new breath to WordPress since the blog will be back as a blog since people can comment and discuss something not just a static site.

Michal Špondr

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Thank you for your work!
Is there any running example of Wordpress with ActivityPub plugin enabled so I can test how it works from user point of view?

Steffen Voß

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Sehr cool!
Wie folge ich denn jetzt bspw. - Unten in der Ecke ist ein Block "Follow" - aber der scheint damit nichts zu tun zu haben.
Gibt es irgendwo eine Übersicht der Blogs von, denen ich folgen könnte?

Matthias Pfefferle

@kaffeeringe @mattwiebe das is bissle peinlich, aber an den eigen blogs arbeiten wir noch ;)

Steffen Voß

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Ach was. Nicht peinlich. Die Alternative wäre gewesen, das Feature für alle zu verzögern, weil das eigene Blog noch nicht umgestellt ist.
Aber generell kann ich nicht einfach nach suchen und bekomme dann Blogs angezeigt, denen ich folgen kann, oder?

Matthias Pfefferle

@kaffeeringe @mattwiebe wenn du das @ weg lässt sollte es klappen. aber nur für die, die eine subdomain benutzen.

Steffen Voß

@pfefferle @mattwiebe Noch wird mir da kein Profil angezeigt, aber es haben ja auch noch nicht alle eingeschaltet UND etwas gepostet.

Cool wäre es, wenn es einen Account gebe, der neue Blogs im Fediverse "begrüßt" - also meldet, wenn jemand das Feature anschaltet.

Bei mir läuft es übrigens unter @blog - self-hosted.

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