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D.J. Ramones

@pfefferle @mattwiebe I didn't know this was coming to non-Business sites, so this is amazing. I activated it immediately on my blog.

After testing though, I realized that one of the "fine-grained controls" not available to non-Business sites is the ability to restrict the AP content to just excerpts. This is quite a dealbreaker for me as I'd rather not have my articles being syndicated in full. Am I missing something or is this really not available for configuration? I'll reluctantly disable AP for my site in the meantime.

Perhaps for other bloggers it's not as much of a big deal, so this is still great news. Thanks for working on this. 🍻

Matthias Pfefferle

@djramones @mattwiebe this is the first version and we are not done yet, I will add your request to the list! :)

D.J. Ramones

@pfefferle @mattwiebe oh that's just awesome!! I was ready to accept that Automattic would just paywall that setting 😅

Matt Wiebe

@djramones @pfefferle you never know for sure but the chance of customizations like that being un-paywalled is pretty small 🤏🏻

D.J. Ramones

@mattwiebe yeah I'd understand if this remains a paid feature, but the Business plan requirement is a bit too steep. I think it should be available on the Personal tier too, or better yet as an add-on.


Matt Wiebe

@djramones @pfefferle oh, entirely possible that non-Business paid plans will gain more features in the future, we're just getting started

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