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@pfefferle @mattwiebe I am wondering about how it will work on Wordpress, as far as I know, you cannot just delete the ActivityPub without a proper remove like tootctl self-destruct command to not leave cache on another server and if you did forget, it would do a funky thing especially if you use the same domain.

So I wonder if the Wordpres plug-in already thinks about this problem and if it is safe to install and uninstall the plug-in without any problem.

Thank you in advance for your reply

Matthias Pfefferle

@dokter @mattwiebe this is indeed a good point. The plugin currently does not support a complete wipe out. It should be easy doable on but is really tricky on self installed versions.

Can you maybe file a GitHub issue for that?


@pfefferle @mattwiebe Done. I hope in the future release it will implemented.
The only thing that concerns me is not installing the plug-in to my self-hosted WordPress due to this problem.

If in the future I have to move my host will it break my ActivityPub federation, comments on my blog, etc.

Since connection to ActivityPub is good and it will put a new breath to WordPress since the blog will be back as a blog since people can comment and discuss something not just a static site.

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