@GreySkies @augieray Couple-three things.
One, masks—anything that loops over your ears—don't work as airborne precautions, and this will match people's empirical experience.
Two, from the single wild type to the very many circulating lineages today, we've seen COVID go from "easier to catch than flu" to "the spreadingest disease known to man". Selection is real. It's not true—part of how people understand reality—for hardly anyone.
Three, people do exhibit learning behaviour. Just not fast.
@graydon @GreySkies @augieray
Are you saying that KN95's are not worth wearing?
I'd need to go searching for articles/studies I've seen that say otherwise, but I'm pretty confident that they're out there.
N95s are certainly better, but only if you can manage to keep them on for the full duration of possible exposure - no nose scratching, no sips of water, no snacks...
Is that feasible on let's say a coast to coast flight?