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#Mastodon 4.2 is rolling out across the social web! On our quest to make Mastodon more delightful and easy to use, we've overhauled search, sign-ups, cross-server interactions and a whole lot more:

Don Cooley

Is this the cause of sporadic freezeups this morning?


@Mastodon can I download the app from github?


@ezeno Your server admin has already taken care of the update, you don't need to do anything.


Carlos Francisco 🦣

@Mastodon oiga, jefe @edo, ¿cuándo nos vamos a la 4.2 en el pajarito lile?


@Mastodon Our instance runs under docker. I tried upgrading our instance and had to roll back. It blows up with "ThreadError: can't create Thread: Operation not permitted". As near as I can tell, this version needs docker 20.10.10 minimum, and we're on 20.10.7 (yeah, I know we're way out of date. It's not easy to update a prod instance when you're a small operation).

Peter Mount

@keiko I had that myself.

Probably not the best idea but I fixed that ruby error by adding:

privileged: true

to the sidekiq streaming and web container entries and it then worked.

I figured it was something about the versions in use & at some point I need to upgrade the server I'm running on as it's an old (now) distro



Is there an option to turn off the new search behaviour?


Oh, and the new notification that I've just posted something?

Petra van Cronenburg

@pellitory You have actively to opt in if you want to be searchable. Find everything in your profile preferences. @Mastodon


@NatureMC @Mastodon

Thanks, it was the autofill / suggestions thing I was trying to turn off. I don't see a setting for that in preferences?


@Mastodon what happens if you opt out of public search and revert back to unlisted? Does that hide your previous toots?

Nick K

@Mastodon LRT so many slick upgrades. They start with search features, but all the intuitiveness improvements to signup, cross server interaction, and general UI layout are gonna improve QoL so so much. Gonna boost masto’s viability as a social media option for sure (tho it already has a reputation for being complicated and unclear, so it may already be too late…)

Juan Carlos Muñoz

@Mastodon Thanks for this update! The overhaul of the search function is fantastic. I noticed recently that indeed the search function now operates on the bio too, which is super useful to find more people to follow. Keep up the good work!

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

OMG! OMG! Mastodon has better search functionality than almost any other social media now! This might even be better search functionality than Discord!!

Ming Chan

@Mastodon "rbenv: version `3.2.2' is not installed (set by /home/mastodon/live/.ruby-version)"
I got this message.

Farshid Hakimy

@Mastodon seems like a lot of cool changes!
I have one question/suggestion though:
Couldn't your server or client app just pass your server domain when opening remote posts or profiles as a parameter in the url?
Like that : ${url}?


@Mastodon I did now the opt in for the search. Works like a charm. The concept of letting users the chance to decide if their posts should be findable within Mastodon is a bold step. This will bring the fediverse forward.
Great release!

CritteRo 🇪🇺

@Mastodon @bogdan primim si pe, pretty pleaseee? :blobpeek:


@crittero dap... sunt prins cu o nuntă, încerc duminică sa fac update.

Juho Mäntysalo

@Mastodon Really looking forward to that cross-server favouriting!


those changes are very appreciated! And the blog post is very well written and oh so shareable on other sites! Keep it up!

Ernesto Acosta

@Mastodon Excellent release. There are no update instructions in the release notes on GitHub. Or are they somewhere else?

🦄 Thomas Citharel

@iam There are, but the release notes are too long to be shown on the index page. Click the release itself to view them.

olli :heart_cyber:

@Mastodon update from 4.1.9 to 4.2.0 didn't work.
I'm using the docker version.. cd /mastodon/mastodon; docker-compose down; git fetch; git checkout v4.2.0; docker-compose pull; docker-compose up -d. Images were pulled succesfully and containers showed status healthy, but the website wasn't loading. Waited a few more minutes and finally reverted back to 4.1.9, which works fine.


@Mastodon Any settings to make it easier to navigate for the visually impaired including the #colourblind? Or in general? With f.lux ( / #flux) enabled, the CTA purple blends in completely with the dark grey background. #UXDesign #colorblind


@Mastodon only thing that still annoys me is that the box is white. Wish it would blend more in, with the Colour Scheme with the website.

Caroline Bell :verified_trans:

@Mastodon Yay! Interactions via other instances is a feature I've wanted in the web client since I started using Mastodon! I'm so glad it's finally here!


@Mastodon A pretty hefty update.

Lack of FTS was a big pain point for some users and it being opt-in will accommodate those who would not want their posts to be indexed.

The ability to import lists also reduces the amount a user loses if they have to migrate servers for whatever reason. Just posts and followers remain.

Looking at the roadmap there are some other planned features that will address other pain points as well (quote posts, E2EE DMs, choose who can reply to posts, etc.).

Chris Williams

@Mastodon Great updates! Awesome work Mastodon team!

Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦

@Mastodon The #AdvancedInterface is broken :( Now I'm stuck reverted back to the annoying stock interface.


@Mastodon I don’t have the slightest idea what any of that means.


@Mastodon @support Gaat ook over op deze versie?

William Andrew Conna

@Mastodon Yessss Mastodon sudah ada fitur translatenya beserta fitur mengikuti tag 🤩

Ed Worrell

@Mastodon awesome! Now, make alt tags for blind users in the timeline, without opening the post details screen. #MastodonApp #Blind #accessibility


@Mastodon looks awesome! Thanks!! Everyone, remeber to donate!! #mastodon #update


@Mastodon schade dass unser admin @moomendemol in Urlaub ist 🙈
good job #Mastodon Team. Too bad our admin is on vacation.

Rodion Borisov

@Mastodon Web 4.2 has been released.

Loving accessibility things such as bigger link previews, padded out context menus, focus change indication, and working thread indication (consequent nested replies still look disconnected from parent, though). Also, collapsed closure hashtags are bae - assumption that hashtags in the end of post are meant for better discoverability (as opposed to something we would like to consciously read) is always the correct one and I'm glad it's taken care of. #Mastodon is a maître of microblogging, so I hope more similar platforms take this into consideration now that it's a thing out of beta.

Looks like a big improvement to me! 👍

@Mastodon Web 4.2 has been released.

Loving accessibility things such as bigger link previews, padded out context menus, focus change indication, and working thread indication (consequent nested replies still look disconnected from parent, though). Also, collapsed closure hashtags are bae - assumption that hashtags in the end of post are meant for better discoverability (as opposed to something we would like to consciously read) is always the correct one and I'm glad it's taken care of. #Mastodon

Frans King

@Mastodon Upgraded ok from 4.1.7 to 4.1.9 and then to 4.2 using the tootsuite images.

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run --rm web bin/tootctl cache clear
docker-compose run --rm web rails db:migrate


docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run --rm web bin/tootctl search deploy --reset-chewy

Eshu Marneedi

@Mastodon Question: Why is search opt *in* and not opt *out*?

Keith Ammann 🔜 Big Bad Con

@Mastodon Grateful for this, but I notice you've changed the interface's behavior when switching from timeline to notifications, then clicking "Home" to go back to timeline. It used to take users back to the same place in the timeline; now it jumps back up to the top, whereas before it only took users back to the top if they were on the home feed already.

I know I could just use the back button instead, but I was in the habit of clicking Home.


@Mastodon the hashtag fonts are too small... hard to read, but the only solution is increasing the size of everything? :/

Also please add an option to always show all tags. Having to click on the expand option every time is so annoying

Kevin Russell


The three dot on posts should include "Follow" because we are the algorithm.

Quote posts.

No meta.


@Mastodon Where can I find the upgrade instructions please? There don't seem to be any in the GitHub release notes...

Jay Deiman

@Mastodon +1 to @martin comment. The releases page here ( references:

> For more information, scroll down to the upgrade instructions section.

But there are no upgrade instructions below... It also looks like there's a lot of non-standard upgrade instructions for this release.

:mstdn_io: Porfirio


Is there somewhere a setting to make "Alles" ("Everything"?) the default view for entering "Live-Feeds"?

Normally, I am only interested in my Home and in the Federated Timeline. Therefore, I'd like to have the switch between them a one-click operation in both directions.

Jay Deiman

@Mastodon @martin (and anyone else), it looks like the upgrade instructions are located with the *tag* doc, not in the release (like it normally is). You can get the instructions for the 4.2.0 upgrade here:


@Mastodon is Mastodon nothing more than bots that mirror Twitter sites? I can't find any sports accounts to follow that are not bots that mirror twitter sites?

Matz 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈🖖🏻

@Mastodon is there a step-by-step guide for those of us who have our own servers but don’t have a clue how to update to this version.

Cyrill Appert

@Mastodon Where would I preferably report bugs with the iOS app?


@Mastodon would be nice to finally have a double-tap on the 'Home' icon to scroll the wall up to the top!


@Mastodon #fulltextsearch i am a mastodon user who also happens to run a few websites. i have this feeling that searching being enabled in mastodon might be effectively creating a denial of service by hitting sites all at once. or something. i cant really explain! i am seeing hundreds of simultaneous hits to the *exact same url* on my site from mastodon instances all over. all seem to be at ~02:30 UTC. 🥴 wassup? help? is it just me -- which would be weird. #mastoadmin #mastodev


@Mastodon so why are people still using x?


@Mastodon I don't know if this is the right place: I miss a button next to the CW-button to add a hashtag at the actual position in the text field.

Easier hashtagging would improve the visibility of posts across instances a lot!
I thave taught some friends how to follow hashtags but post authors need obviously more convenience to set them. This is frustrating to my friends.

Matthias Bensemer

@Mastodon Mastodon still needs a chat/messenger function.😆


@Mastodon Far from 'interesting'/'intuitive' compared to X.
I hate X due to the insane EM censoring what isn't his opinion.

To name one drawback here (next to the fact that no or few interesting research institutions are here):
to get to the latest post on my wall on iPad I have to scroll; to pick the tiny scroll bar is an annoying task.
Swiping down takes ages.

Why not copying things X uses as good practice: double-tapping the home button should get us users to the latest post on our wall!

@Mastodon Far from 'interesting'/'intuitive' compared to X.
I hate X due to the insane EM censoring what isn't his opinion.

To name one drawback here (next to the fact that no or few interesting research institutions are here):
to get to the latest post on my wall on iPad I have to scroll; to pick the tiny scroll bar is an annoying task.
Swiping down takes ages.

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