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Eugen Rochko

This has been a lot of work and it's still not finished, but I at least have the layout figured out now so I want to share my progress.

It's a redesign of the report screen in the moderation interface, including many small and medium changes to how things work, too many to describe here.


Sergei Mironov

@Gargron I've always wondered why Mast admins don't compete for users by offering custom features. Is it because Mastodon is hard to hack? Or maybe they actually do compete? To think about it, there are lots of fun features one could implement.

Devine Lu Linvega

@Gargron Oh wow, that's gorgeous. I'm looking forward to trying the redesign of the mod ui.

Clairement crevée

#LastBoost it's work in progress so i'm not sure how much feedback Gargron actually wants but

i, at least, would be interested to know what mods think about this, how much do you think that helps you, are there things that are worse or missing

PR here:

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