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90% of you are in this picture and I don't like it


@aeva Firefox, Firefox! :blobfoxhyper:


@booty as my grandma always said, "if firefox is good enough for the furries it's good enough for me"


@aeva we must have the same grandma! Lmao

a spooky jazz dad..

@aeva @booty

Considering that the tech industry would collapse without furries it's probably a good choice.


@deightonrobbie @booty @aeva then use Librefox. Any of those options are better then Google's offering


@aeva But but but, they just read the 'Is Firefox Stinky, Paid For In Small Part By Alphabet Inc' research paper which found that, to great surprise, Firefox is stinky!

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@aeva funnily enough, I remember a poll on Mastodon (pre Musk migration) where Firefox turned out to be the majority browser, which surprised me a lot. May be it's time to run a new one.


@isagalaev normally I'd question the wisdom of putting too much trust in a social media poll but I haven't had a single enraged person in my mentions frothing about how firefox killed jfk or something so I think you might be on to something with this "[this corner of] mastodon is mostly cool people" theory of yours

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@aeva I wouldn't go as far as characterizing people based just on that, but it's an interesting data point nonetheless.

Arne Brasseur

@aeva @isagalaev I did a poll like that just yesterday! Small sample size but Firefox is a pretty clear winner. At least we can conclude I have cool followers

Kevin Russell

@aeva @isagalaev

Firefox killed jfk? Oh noes. With a candle? In the Dining room?

@aeva @isagalaev I think I remember that pole, and got kind of annpyed that FF and Chrome were the only options.
Ik why, its because everyone who used Brave/Edge/whatever would hit "Other" even though they're Chrome, but still.

@aeva I'm this close to forking firefox so I have classic one for work and a rebranded one like ice weasel but with and icon I would commission.

I'm glad I switched to Fx

astra 🐶

@aeva would be great if firefox's engine were easier to reuse. i've seen it cited as being difficult to use as the reason we don't see this happening with firefox.


@astra what really? but they rewrote it in rust


@aeva @astra Servo is fairly easy to use, but Servo's features were backported into Gecko, the main part of which is quite tightly-coupled with Firefox.

🏔️ owl 🌲

@astra @aeva yeah, I use qutebrowser, for disability reasons. I would love it if it used the firefox engine instead, but that doesn't seem possible.
I hope there will be another reusable engine eventually, whether that's the recently resurrected-without-mozilla Servo, or libweb from serenityOS, or something else.


@astra @aeva I've done some research into what it would take and the only documentation I could find is over a decade old.


@aeva I'm in the 1% that has been using Mozilla, since Mozilla was Netscape.


@GabeMoralesVR @aeva I worked at Netscape before it was acquired by AOL and chopped up…


some of you people still read reddit and it shows. muting this


It's funny because the browser monoculture problem is like one of the few points in life where you can just change a personal preference and make an actual change in the world. It's like if voting with your dollar actually worked, or if switching to plastic straws actually stopped climate change. In the end though we're all gonna die because even something as simple and easy as this is just a bridge too far for people.


the way things are going now the problem is just going to get worse and then cloudflare will decide to cut out the middle man and introduce their special cloudflare web browser and then all of the chrome and chrome-fork die-hards will switch to that because finally we'll have a real contender to destroying the open web and privacy as we know it

Mira Mechtley

@aeva firefox and mastodon and things like them are just so weird though. it's like i start to use them but i can't figure out which tech daddy i'm supposed to worship and ask to please step on me.


@biphenyl @aeva don't worry, their boots will find our necks either way.

Luna Lactea

@biphenyl @aeva Oh it's easy! You just find a random guy on GitHub who made a browser extension you like!

Emma Builds 🚀

@aeva it's the 'shirley' problem, as Alexandra Erin calls the just-world-falacy.

"Surely Chrome won't harm me, a white cis-man, as Google would never harm a white cis-man."

David Frank

@aeva like Twitter / Reddit, you can’t convince people who willingly chose to stay to change. And I understand why people chose Chrome despite everything, it is already too late for them to fight it.


@bitinn how is it too late to fight it? you press a button and then boom you have a better web browser. it couldn't be easier

David Frank

@aeva there are enough sites that break in other browsers: enough to be an obstacle for change. And then there are extensions that people use that’s difficult to replace. And then there are convenience that Chrome offers other browsers didn’t. It all adds up. FREE is the bare minimum for change these days.


@bitinn @aeva this already happened with IE and Firefox, so its not like we can't have round 2

Luna :circleA:

@bitinn Lol, what? What convenience features or extensions does Chrome have that Firefox doesn't? What sites does the average person use that don't work on Firefox? It feels like most Chrome users just assume Firefox is a barely working browser without ever using it

Luna :circleA:

@tev Interesting, probably not something necessary for most considering it's the first time I've heard of a Snapchat web app existing, but Firefox does support it with a user agent switch. Apparently Snapchat even restricted Safari for no reason, they just like to discriminate against people that don't use US monopolist software, I'm sure their users are used to that by now considering how bad the Android app is

F4GRX Sébastien

@bitinn @aeva sites that work on chrome but break on firefox are using too many trackers.



that would be true if psychological inertia wasn't a thing.



@aeva @bitinn... I just wish it was "more better"... I begrudgingly use Firefox - but I don't like it. 😅
Wish I could use Arc! (But I'm boycotting Chromium, apart from with one job that I have to use it with. I use Vivaldi for that.)

Like, why can't they ship things like vertical tabs? Or at least a way to turn off the horizontal ones so the extensions work properly? 😔

Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

@aeva Sort of like getting vaccinated. Free. Takes 5 minutes. Stops you from dying. Massive protests against it.


@mikej it breaks my heart how committed people are to making everything worse. I used to think that if the right choices also just happened to be the easiest ones people would just do them, but since the pandemic years have dragged on I don't know anymore.

Peter Goulborn

@aeva I guess there's possibly some hope to cling on to, since we've been here before and things did eventually change

Mx. Luna Corbden

@aeva I know you’ve muted this, but I’ve been wanting to switch (from Brave, which I didn’t realize was Chrome when I switched to it) for most of this year, but I’m disabled and my dad died and my mom is sick and my son is also disabled and I’ve got burnout and constant chronic pain and simply *can’t* do this or any of the other dire data hygiene building up. It’s all I can do just to survive.


@corbden it's ok, I'm personally issuing an exemption from feeling guilty about it

Mx. Luna Corbden

@aeva Thanks for listening! I think I just wanted someone to listen.


@aeva idk how much i agree with this, considering node and electron which have kinda taken over the world run on chrome's browser stack

also i feel like mozilla has been driving themselves into the ground for almost a decade now, they've been laying off countless teams that were behind the only mozilla products really taking off (Rust, MDN web docs, firefox devtools)

not to be a downer and say to give up on mozilla, and give up on firefox. by all means, switch to firefox, and if you're a web developer, ensure your web apps and websites support firefox 100%!!

@aeva idk how much i agree with this, considering node and electron which have kinda taken over the world run on chrome's browser stack

also i feel like mozilla has been driving themselves into the ground for almost a decade now, they've been laying off countless teams that were behind the only mozilla products really taking off (Rust, MDN web docs, firefox devtools)

Klara Binon

@aeva 10%er here, my organisation uses the google stack, the pint of blood goes to our security team.

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