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David Frank

@aeva like Twitter / Reddit, you can’t convince people who willingly chose to stay to change. And I understand why people chose Chrome despite everything, it is already too late for them to fight it.


@bitinn how is it too late to fight it? you press a button and then boom you have a better web browser. it couldn't be easier

David Frank

@aeva there are enough sites that break in other browsers: enough to be an obstacle for change. And then there are extensions that people use that’s difficult to replace. And then there are convenience that Chrome offers other browsers didn’t. It all adds up. FREE is the bare minimum for change these days.


@bitinn @aeva this already happened with IE and Firefox, so its not like we can't have round 2

Luna :circleA:

@bitinn Lol, what? What convenience features or extensions does Chrome have that Firefox doesn't? What sites does the average person use that don't work on Firefox? It feels like most Chrome users just assume Firefox is a barely working browser without ever using it

Luna :circleA:

@tev Interesting, probably not something necessary for most considering it's the first time I've heard of a Snapchat web app existing, but Firefox does support it with a user agent switch. Apparently Snapchat even restricted Safari for no reason, they just like to discriminate against people that don't use US monopolist software, I'm sure their users are used to that by now considering how bad the Android app is


@tev @luna people still use Snapchat?? And that on desktop?????


@vixencore @luna


"people still use snapchat???"

like everyone in my hs at least has it

DELETED replied to tevvy

@tev @luna ok lol last time I heard about it was in 2019, thought it's basically a dead app by now that only basic bitches use now

Luna :circleA: replied to DELETED

@vixencore @tev It does seem like the only people still using Snapchat are high school neurotypicals

DELETED replied to Luna

@luna @tev yea that's exactly what I've seen so far too


@luna @bitinn I've been using Firefox for years, but I can't say I don't miss tab groups. There's some extensions that sort of have the feature but none match Chromium's much easier interface imo.
I switched most of my relatives to Firefox and it's been great, but they get blocked from work apps such as MS Teams. I personally visit a couple Cloudflared sites that often put me in an infinite captcha loop. None of this is Firefox's fault, but it does nudge people quite a bit toward Chromium.

Ozzie D, NP-hard :bikepump: :vegan:

@allpurposemat @luna @bitinn I run FF and Chrome side-by-side at work. Except for the Google suite, Firefox is faster and more stable than Chrome. I don't get why more people don't dump Chrome just due to it's shitty basic ctl-tab functionality. The Firefox behavior (cycle thru tabs in last-accessed order) is so much better, and matches what every OS I use does when switching apps. I tried several Chrome extensions that graft on this feature, but all were clunky.


@ozdreaming I agree and much prefer Firefox's behavior in most cases. However, it's hard to justify for non-tech people why they should be dual booting browsers instead of using the one that always works with minor "inconveniences". That said, my family are all dual booting w/ Chromium, which shows it's possible, though I sadly expect we're a minority.

F4GRX Sébastien

@bitinn @aeva sites that work on chrome but break on firefox are using too many trackers.



that would be true if psychological inertia wasn't a thing.



@aeva @bitinn... I just wish it was "more better"... I begrudgingly use Firefox - but I don't like it. 😅
Wish I could use Arc! (But I'm boycotting Chromium, apart from with one job that I have to use it with. I use Vivaldi for that.)

Like, why can't they ship things like vertical tabs? Or at least a way to turn off the horizontal ones so the extensions work properly? 😔


@havn @aeva @bitinn that's my biggest issue with firefox, there is no customizability at all :/ can't have it how you want

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