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@luna @bitinn I've been using Firefox for years, but I can't say I don't miss tab groups. There's some extensions that sort of have the feature but none match Chromium's much easier interface imo.
I switched most of my relatives to Firefox and it's been great, but they get blocked from work apps such as MS Teams. I personally visit a couple Cloudflared sites that often put me in an infinite captcha loop. None of this is Firefox's fault, but it does nudge people quite a bit toward Chromium.

Ozzie D, NP-hard :bikepump: :vegan:

@allpurposemat @luna @bitinn I run FF and Chrome side-by-side at work. Except for the Google suite, Firefox is faster and more stable than Chrome. I don't get why more people don't dump Chrome just due to it's shitty basic ctl-tab functionality. The Firefox behavior (cycle thru tabs in last-accessed order) is so much better, and matches what every OS I use does when switching apps. I tried several Chrome extensions that graft on this feature, but all were clunky.


@ozdreaming I agree and much prefer Firefox's behavior in most cases. However, it's hard to justify for non-tech people why they should be dual booting browsers instead of using the one that always works with minor "inconveniences". That said, my family are all dual booting w/ Chromium, which shows it's possible, though I sadly expect we're a minority.

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