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the way things are going now the problem is just going to get worse and then cloudflare will decide to cut out the middle man and introduce their special cloudflare web browser and then all of the chrome and chrome-fork die-hards will switch to that because finally we'll have a real contender to destroying the open web and privacy as we know it

Mira Mechtley

@aeva firefox and mastodon and things like them are just so weird though. it's like i start to use them but i can't figure out which tech daddy i'm supposed to worship and ask to please step on me.


@biphenyl @aeva don't worry, their boots will find our necks either way.

Luna Lactea

@biphenyl @aeva Oh it's easy! You just find a random guy on GitHub who made a browser extension you like!

Emma Builds 🚀

@aeva it's the 'shirley' problem, as Alexandra Erin calls the just-world-falacy.

"Surely Chrome won't harm me, a white cis-man, as Google would never harm a white cis-man."

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