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David Revoy

🎶 Toss a coin to your Instance,
O Valley of Plenty!

(A reminder that it is your patronage and donations that keep many Instances on the Fediverse alive.)


@davidrevoy Boost for this art - it is gorgeous!


@Nixie @davidrevoy
Ô surprise !
Je viens de commencer le 5ème tome de ses aventures. Une bonne surprise !
Quant au jeu, j'ai adoré le 3 sur PS4.
Rah, maintenant, je vais avoir cette image de Géralt et Jaskier au fil de mes lectures 😀


@davidrevoy now the songs stuck in my head, I love this


@davidrevoy Tu es devin j'ai recommencé à le lire hier :MastodonDE:​

@davidrevoy if you want to, donate to our instance :MastodonDE:
:paypal: :patreon: :kofi: :liberapay:

But remember: it ain't a requirement! All of our services are free, without ads, without algorithms, and without data harvesting FOREVER! Whether you donate, or not (donating just makes our lives easier :P)

Pepper1700 :veritrek_gold:

@davidrevoy You can also toss a coin to instance you frequently interact with. :coin_animal_crossing:


@davidrevoy this reminds me of a scene from Aladin.

Great art as always David :)


@davidrevoy totally wrong way of running this begging for money to run servers, you could do it so much easier for free.


@davidrevoy ok if you want to take over the entire social media landscape, you need to be accessible to everyone, half of this site seems to be autistics and a lot of them i know wont join precisely because of the server stuff. IMO it fragments and confuses, allows these ego kingdoms like reddit mods etc. i will get on to technical stuff.

i could envision quite a few different design angles. one network where everyone shares is the optimal solution obv. i would like to see a design doc


@davidrevoy i think you could steal some stuff from crypto networks like the theta network, MINA, nodes that communicate chains of info will slow it down a bit, but you could do stuff like mesh nodes phone apps and reduce the bandwidth to nothing.

a holistic design that enables true decentralisation would be the optimal. i get that nobodies done it yet, but thats the goal i spose. im not a sysadmin used to scaling but i would run a node on many things if it was dedicated to one network.


@davidrevoy and may i say im a complaining git, but i still think its the nicest social network even though someone just told me to fuckoff lol.


@davidrevoy also i think names are important for branding and im not going to hold back here, fediverse sounds totally stupid, im never going to say fediverse to anyone after this post. i just feel like an idiot saying it.


@davidrevoy my mistake i thought you were someone that actually worked on this if anyone knows who programmed this mess let me know and im going to give them it.


@davidrevoy Looks awesome! I know it's CC-BY 4 but I wanted to ask whether we can use it as a donation "ad" for nonetheless. Of, course you'd be credited.

David Revoy

@Hinterhaltiger 🙂 Sure! Thanks for reusing my art. You'll find here a permanent link with source, and easy copy/paste license:


@davidrevoy Love the figures with cat ears :) (and witch hats and other ears, very accurate)

LaVi 🕊️📚🐈

@davidrevoy oh, poor horse under an elephant! 🤣
(But what a gorgeous artwork and useful reminder!)

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy :neko_nyaan: Love it!
Ça me rappelle le jeu de mot que j'avais fait au moment de la campagne "COIN-COIN" de Framasoft :shibalaugh: 🦆

MastoGeralt has the cutest smile, Geralt would never smile like this ^^

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin Merci! 😍 Ha oui, je m'en souviens maintenant. C'était cool!

Oh yes for MastoGeralt smiling. I hesitated with this one. During the pencil step, I remember I sketched two or three badass expression to test. 😆

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Aww, merci ! 😍 :blobcatheart:

Haha, I would love to see them 😆


@davidrevoy Un crossover Witcher/Masto, je ne savais pas j'en avais besoin, mais j'ADORE ! 🤩


@davidrevoy Oooh, extra love for having made a left-handed Jaskier here ^^

Masta Live
Oh, thank you for reminder! Totally forgor about this month donation
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