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:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

showing this screenshot to everyone who moved to bluesky because of twitter.

this your guy?

39 comments | Expand all CWs


oh you know it, they only added blocking to bluesky because someone they liked got dogpiled

"oh no can't have that"
matt yglesias getting screamed at like that got them to implement the "it is too hard on a protocol level" blocking functionality
in a fucking day

it is half assed.
Jack has mostly fucked off from bsky to nostr, but yeah. Yeah.

Ghostpaw (AKA Snowmiaux)

@Loosf @EeveeEuphoria Ah yes, that nostr, whose primary feature is

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

you are legally mandated to shame bluesky users by showing them this screenshot

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

y'know i really get the concept of schadenfreude now

timmy :flow:

@EeveeEuphoria that’s not nearly as effective as you’d expect because Jack already got bored and now completely ignores that bluesky exists lol

Soatok Dreamseeker

@EeveeEuphoria Yeah the preview doesn't hold when you click through

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@soatok i uh, don't know what you mean by that, so i tried again

and i got an even more neat message this time

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@soatok lmao nice

amazing how bluesky shat it's pants when i dared try to access it myself, *demanding* i have a bluesky account just to view it. ...and then spewing a server errror when i tried again

and people don't see the parallels with twitter????

leah & asm & forth, oh my!

@EeveeEuphoria @soatok all it's missing is a piece of artwork lifted without the permission, acknowledgement or compensation of its creator for the 500 screen and it's there

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@millihertz @soatok stealing art that you didn't make is a time old tradition on twitter, glad to see bluesky is keeping it up :')

Thaddée Tyl

@EeveeEuphoria @soatok I don’t view positively a distributed system (its big selling point) that is only used centrally. If there was code to run your own server, we could at least bypass the betawall issue (with an anonymous instance), but it sounds like it would then be defederated from the bsky servers?

Darius :over18: 🐆 the server is just tired and eepy, don't shame it

seriously though, yeah, i'm "excited" to see what they'll done once they feel the squeeze as the investors money runs out

eri :vlpn_smol:
@EeveeEuphoria mute only has potential to be reasonable if mutes are implemented well

i assume elon musk is going to make mutes useless because he's just a whiny manbaby

@EeveeEuphoria good grief.

Shiny Quagsire

@EeveeEuphoria thank god he's only on the board and has no real equity 🙏

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently


Perhaps Jack's point is 💯 mute because there is an currently unfixable #BlockBugCVE? 🤔


Rusty Ralston

@EeveeEuphoria thankfully jack, from what i've read, has fucked off from bluesky since it seems to be run by competent people now.

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@imrustyokay he still made the place, the place that didn't even have blocking at first

and i don't think letting racists still run rampant means it's being ran by "competent people"

Rusty Ralston

@EeveeEuphoria i mean, that's like saying you shouldn't buy ford products because Henry Ford was a Nazi.

Also, in my experience, any racists who joined BlueSky would get run the fuck off. Yes, they should've not let one guy have his username be a slur, but my god did the community rail BlueSky HARD about that.

Keyboard Worrier

@imrustyokay @EeveeEuphoria
Idk, I wouldn't buy Ford products if Henry Ford were still alive and funneling the profits into his nazi interests. I kind of see bluesky or twitter the same way. Is the product itself inherently evil? No. Are their good aspects of them? Yes. But, do I want to contribute to the owner's ego or personal profit by being one of their users? No.

Rusty Ralston

@keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria ...fair enough. Although considering the BlueSky devs don't have to listen to Jack, I'd say it's still lightyears beyond twitter.

Faint praise, but it's true.

Rusty Ralston

@keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria also this "mastadon master race" makes y'all look like anal linux users, ngl


@imrustyokay @keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria Me when i can't handle criticism bluesky for being shitty

Keyboard Worrier

@imrustyokay @EeveeEuphoria Well, idk about the "master race" stuff, just my take on why I'll avoid those platforms but maybe buy a Ford one day lol

Noxy 🐾

@EeveeEuphoria direct link to that tweet for anyone else that wants to verify:


@EeveeEuphoria @ntoskrnl Jack can’t help but get on his knees even in the mere presence of an Elon tweet


@EeveeEuphoria blocks will be available for twitter blue subs, I guarantee it


@EeveeEuphoria i use all three :3

:konsti: :villain_heart: sony teenyDog LLC

@EeveeEuphoria thankfully jack doesnt have direct involvement with bsky and the dev team thats there rn isnt really taking his input

Ben CG 🕊️

@EeveeEuphoria If I had to summarise...

Trust in the owners/devs ideology of Bluesky: 5/10
Trust in the owners/devs ideology of Mastodon: 8/10

Satisfaction with the innovation and usability of Bluesky: 7/10
Satisfaction with the innovation and usability of Mastodon: 3/10


@EeveeEuphoria Bit of a devil’s advocate reply but: maybe he’s interested in (influencing Elmo to „help“) Twitter going under / losing users so that more will flock to his new site? Doesn‘t necessarily mean he’s planning to heed his own „advice“ for his site.

JT the Artful :autism:

@EeveeEuphoria Jack keeps doing this.
Is this an example of boot licking or ass licking? I cannot tell.

Wilhelm Arcturus

@EeveeEuphoria I am half convinced Jack is just egging Elon on into bad decisions. BlueSky has block.

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@wilhelm_arcturus bluesky didn't have block when it launched, and the implementation of blocking is half-assed, to the point that anyone privy enough can find out who you have blocked

Moonshine Fox

@EeveeEuphoria it also kind of feels like a shitpost mocking someone who literally lit several billion dollars on fire by destroying the thing they bought from you.


@EeveeEuphoria they can’t take it away though. App Store won’t allow it

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