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:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@soatok lmao nice

amazing how bluesky shat it's pants when i dared try to access it myself, *demanding* i have a bluesky account just to view it. ...and then spewing a server errror when i tried again

and people don't see the parallels with twitter????

leah & asm & forth, oh my!

@EeveeEuphoria @soatok all it's missing is a piece of artwork lifted without the permission, acknowledgement or compensation of its creator for the 500 screen and it's there

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@millihertz @soatok stealing art that you didn't make is a time old tradition on twitter, glad to see bluesky is keeping it up :')

Thaddée Tyl

@EeveeEuphoria @soatok I don’t view positively a distributed system (its big selling point) that is only used centrally. If there was code to run your own server, we could at least bypass the betawall issue (with an anonymous instance), but it sounds like it would then be defederated from the bsky servers?

Darius :over18: 🐆 the server is just tired and eepy, don't shame it

seriously though, yeah, i'm "excited" to see what they'll done once they feel the squeeze as the investors money runs out

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