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Rusty Ralston

@EeveeEuphoria i mean, that's like saying you shouldn't buy ford products because Henry Ford was a Nazi.

Also, in my experience, any racists who joined BlueSky would get run the fuck off. Yes, they should've not let one guy have his username be a slur, but my god did the community rail BlueSky HARD about that.

Keyboard Worrier

@imrustyokay @EeveeEuphoria
Idk, I wouldn't buy Ford products if Henry Ford were still alive and funneling the profits into his nazi interests. I kind of see bluesky or twitter the same way. Is the product itself inherently evil? No. Are their good aspects of them? Yes. But, do I want to contribute to the owner's ego or personal profit by being one of their users? No.

Rusty Ralston

@keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria ...fair enough. Although considering the BlueSky devs don't have to listen to Jack, I'd say it's still lightyears beyond twitter.

Faint praise, but it's true.

Rusty Ralston

@keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria also this "mastadon master race" makes y'all look like anal linux users, ngl


@imrustyokay @keyboardworrier @EeveeEuphoria Me when i can't handle criticism bluesky for being shitty

Keyboard Worrier

@imrustyokay @EeveeEuphoria Well, idk about the "master race" stuff, just my take on why I'll avoid those platforms but maybe buy a Ford one day lol

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