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@MastodonEngineering I had a weird thing happen today and I can't get rid of it. At the top of my caturday column I have an offer to follow this hashtag. I don't want to follow it, I want it to just flow into this column.

But I can't get rid of the header thing.

Does anyone know how to remove it? Or should I report that somewhere?

Five Element Ninja

@mem_somerville @MastodonEngineering As far as I can tell there's no option to remove it. However, I was able to remove them using uBlock Origin's element zapper. Now my columns are back to normal. If you use something like Tampermonkey or Stylish, you can target those headers via the class .hashtag-header. Not ideal, but it works.


@mem_somerville @MastodonEngineering This is a feature - technically this was always there, just before it was a small image instead of a large button, they just made it more obvious that it exists now as having unexplained icons for everything is bad UI design.

Technically you could use cosmetic filtering in something like uBlock Origin to get rid of it, however that would remove it from all hashtag timelines.

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