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19 posts total
Mastodon Engineering

We just released security patches for versions 4.1, 4.2, and nightly. If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to nightly.2024-05-31-security. We strongly suggest you upgrade to one of those versions.

Mastodon Engineering

See what we've been working on and what's coming next in our new, hopefully regular series on #Mastodon development:

piotrek [ENG]

@MastodonEngineering thanks. You should post about upcoming changes more often. This could help gather community feedback earlier and thus make those updates better

David W.

"the return of the local timeline"

Thanks for this. I quit using the app because of it.

Also, please consider an opt in or out for quote posts are more user control over replies. Thanks.

Mari 🏳️‍🌈

@MastodonEngineering exist also some Info's about groups because I thing this would be for mastodon a game changer to have something like xitter and reddit on once :)

Mastodon Engineering

We are looking for a new member for our #Mastodon core team to work with @Gargron, @renchap and @Claire on building the Mastodon #backend and web app!

This is a #remote #fulltime position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


- You are a #Ruby expert
- With prior experience in maintaining #opensource projects
- Prior knowledge of #ActivityPub is a big plus!

For more info and to apply:

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring

We are looking for a new member for our #Mastodon core team to work with @Gargron, @renchap and @Claire on building the Mastodon #backend and web app!

This is a #remote #fulltime position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


- You are a #Ruby expert
- With prior experience in maintaining #opensource projects
- Prior knowledge of #ActivityPub is a big plus!

Mastodon Engineering

The new 4.2.8 release is out today. It's a small update that introduces a mechanic that will automatically switch sign-ups to manual review if no moderators have been active for a while. This should reduce vectors for spam and abuse in the future.

Mastodon Engineering

We've released one more security patch earlier today, for the versions 4.1, 4.2, and nightly.

If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to the 4.3.0-nightly.2024-02-17-security tag to get the patches.

Please upgrade as soon as possible!

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@MastodonEngineering and why exactly are these being released unannounced and on a Friday?


@MastodonEngineering Please include the full version number of the latest patched version in posts like this. Otherwise, I have no idea whether you are telling me about the new version I just installed or another, newer one that I still haven't dealt with.

@MastodonEngineering Please mention the release number(s) in future release messages and add a sentence to clarify that this is addressing #mastoadmin s.
(each post like these leaves multiple regular users wondering if and how they are supposed to update. This can be avoided.)

Mastodon Engineering

We just released important security patches for versions 4.1, 4.2, nightly, and the already discontinued 3.5 and 4.0.

If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to the 4.3.0-nightly.2024-02-15-security tag to get the patches.

Please upgrade as soon as possible!

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AmiW Streetart ❇️

@MastodonEngineering I can't post pictures or see other pictures in the browser, Tusky or the app now. (Instance:

Leonie :vf: :kopimi:

@MastodonEngineering how do you actually know which versions of Mastodon receive long-term support?

Ciencia Al Poder

@MastodonEngineering I'm very confused right now. 2 days ago I updated from 4.2.5 to 4.2.6. Today I've received a new mail about software updates. I went here to see if there's a new toot about the update but there's nothing new. But I see a 4.2.7 release tagged. Can you confirm?

Mastodon Engineering

We just released critical security patches for versions 4.1, 4.2, nightly, and the already discontinued 3.5 and 4.0.

If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to the `4.3.0-nightly.2024-02-02-security` tag to get the patch.

Please upgrade as soon as possible!

Mastodon Engineering

We are planning to release critical security patches for versions 3.5, 4.1, 4.2 and nightly this Thursday, Feb 01, at 15:00 UTC. We encourage server administrators to plan for a timely upgrade to ensure their Mastodon server is protected.

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@MastodonEngineering feed stupid prompts, get stupid results! I fed this toot to stable diffusion with default settings and this is what I got 😂

Notice cyrillic in the first picture, chinese in the second and the hiding admin in the third.

May Mastodon not follow the chart of securet ur ally 😂

Mastodon Engineering

We've released the patches 4.2.3, 4.1.11, and 3.5.16 with some regular bug fixes. Please consider upgrading to the latest version, as support for 3.5 and 4.0 will end soon.

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I feel so stupid, but how do I upgrade? Updating the phone software fixes is easy - there's a setting for it. But I admit I'm a real technical dunce, & stubborn in my cluelessness! 👵🏻


@MastodonEngineering There will be a danger in the future for mastodon if bad people are using edited scripts in their servers to federate and fake stats.

Mastodon Engineering

We've released the patches 4.2.1, 4.1.10, 4.0.12 and 3.5.15 today with some regular bug fixes. This is probably the last release on the 4.0 line as it's nearing its EOL.

Mastodon Engineering

#Mastodon 4.2 is out! This massive update features new search functionality and many usability improvements. See the extensive changelog and upgrade instructions here:

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Gracious Anthracite


Can y’all PLEASE stop trying to depreciate the Local timeline, it is GREAT for instances that haven’t grown to be too damn huge to still work as a community.


@MastodonEngineering Looks awesome and thank you for all the new shiny features.

My 2 cents on this update - the previous Local/Federated feeds worked better than the new "Live Feeds" from a UX perspective. Live Feeds scroll automatically and disrupt the readers experience. Maybe add a button to update the Live Feeds, rather than auto updation.

Secondly, I wonder how much incremental server resources the Live Feed will require and if it might put too much strain on smaller servers who dont have too much funding.


@MastodonEngineering Looks awesome and thank you for all the new shiny features.

My 2 cents on this update - the previous Local/Federated feeds worked better than the new "Live Feeds" from a UX perspective. Live Feeds scroll automatically and disrupt the readers experience. Maybe add a button to update the Live Feeds, rather than auto updation.


@MastodonEngineering FYI, in the upgrade notes there's no mention of changing the old default nginx site file to support the new maximum attachment size.

"client_max_body_size 80m;" if unchanged causes a response of "413Request Entity Too Large" when trying to attach a file greater than 80mb of course.

There's a mention of editing the nginx.conf for the streaming server changes but nothing about the limit above shipped with previous versions that needs to be changed when upgrading.

Mastodon Engineering

We just released security patches for versions 3.5, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to 4.2.0-rc2 safely. We strongly suggest you upgrade to one of those versions in the coming days.

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Rob Bos

@MastodonEngineering Running rc2 on my personal server, seems stable.

The requirement for a specific version of Ruby is a bit of a pain, since I can't rely on Debian ruby3 packages. Unless I'm doing it wrong. :/

Bruce Woodrow

@MastodonEngineering How does that relate to iOS Mastodon app version numbers?

Mastodon Engineering

We are planning to release security patches for versions 3.5, 4.0, 4.1 and nightly next Tuesday, Sep 19, at 15:00 UTC. We encourage server administrators to plan for a timely upgrade to ensure their Mastodon server is protected.

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@MastodonEngineering How do you upgrade from the 4.2.0 RC to the latest nightly, please?

💉💉💉🦠JF :debian: :verbike:

@MastodonEngineering At a time when people are running the RC (at your request) it would be nice for it to have a patch as well

( hellekin )

Following the dramatic announcement of @MastodonEngineering that a security release will be available tomorrow at 15:00,

and due to the unavailability of a sysadmin at this time, we're going down for a couple of days.

Enjoy your life without notifications 😗

Yeah, this is going to be harmful for a while.

Who can trust their computers now? If we ever could.

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@MastodonEngineering please increase scheduled posts limit from 25 to maybe 100 😬 @Mastodon

lord pthenq1


Bueno. La se viene la versión 4.2 esta semana que viene o la otra. Vamos a saltear las actualizaciones de las versiones chiquitas y nos vamos derecha a esta.

Va a tener algunas cosas interesantes. La más interesante en mí opinión es la búsqueda, que aparentemente está correctamente implementada.

La búsqueda actual requiere una cantidad de recursos impresionante y simplemente no es buena. No escala. No sirve.

Se supone que está búsqueda usará la base de datos de la instancia, como debe ser, en lugar de crear una duplicación de los datos en otro sistema.



Bueno. La se viene la versión 4.2 esta semana que viene o la otra. Vamos a saltear las actualizaciones de las versiones chiquitas y nos vamos derecha a esta.

Va a tener algunas cosas interesantes. La más interesante en mí opinión es la búsqueda, que aparentemente está correctamente implementada.

Mastodon Engineering

The 4.2 release is dropping soon. Help us get all the new labels and messages translated into your language through Crowdin!

Mastodon Engineering

The third beta of #Mastodon 4.2.0 is now available. We're pretty much just fine tuning search now!

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Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@MastodonEngineering Assuming no ship stoppers, is there a date for final release?

I don't want to install the beta but I do plan to install 4.2.0 when it drops.

Stephanie 🎀

@MastodonEngineering My wishlist:

🎀GIFs (there’s someone I interact with a lot who’s stuck on the ex-birdsite because GIFs make it easier for them to communicate. Implementing GIFs will help complete their transition here)
🎀Translate button

Mastodon Engineering

The second beta of #Mastodon 4.2.0 has arrived. We're getting there! See the extensive changelog and upgrade instructions here:

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James Gleick

@MastodonEngineering @tchambers Is there a place for non-experts to go for information on how/when these changes will affect us? Does it depend on our instance and our interface software (if any)?

Mastodon Engineering

The first beta of #Mastodon 4.2.0 is now available for testing! There are too many improvements to count. See the extensive changelog and upgrade instructions here:

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@MastodonEngineering Can you pull translations from Crowdin before the next release, please? They are missing fro beta3 😉



There is also another really important feature lacking. Time based posts.

Ability to set a feature date for when a post will be published.

Also very good for privacy.

When you are on vacation and don't want people to know you are away from home.

Or need to time an event but are not sure you will be able to post at the right time. Example a birthday or celebration.

Users should not have to use 3rd party sites.

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