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Cat Hicks

Across about ten things this week, I'll say this: mastodon has a real toxic reply guy culture going on and it is exhausting to receive this EVERY SINGLE TIME you dare say something that gets attention, as a marginalized female scientist. Worse to me tbh than typical trolling because it is so deeply rooted in credibility deficit "know your place" patterns. You all are worse than birdsite for me, where I have nearly five times more followers. Definitely thinking about leaving.

Fix your hearts.

Anders Eknert

@grimalkina that’s awful :/

I’ve only experienced this a few times, and I’m likely “lucky” for exactly the privilege you mention.

FWIW, I really appreciate you being here.

Gjalt-Jorn Peters

@grimalkina Sucks 😒 Hope people get better and you can stick around!

Adam Vinueza

@grimalkina That’s awful for you to have to deal with this.

Speaking for myself: I wouldn’t have come across your work at all if not for the happy accident of seeing one of your posts, and have learned a great deal from your writing.

It would be mastodon’s great loss if you were to leave, and I’m deeply sorry you’re forced to consider choosing between your own health and being part of this community.

Cat Hicks

@asv this is really kind of you to say. I really do listen and internalize this care and feedback as well, thank you ⭐

Jim Gardner

@grimalkina @asv I agree with this sentiment. You do really important work and are under no obligation to share it, but you do, and for free. Thank you Cat.


Me three! Your work seems very interesting and useful @grimalkina, and I value what you post here. That being said, you should do what makes the most sense for your personally and professionally, even if that means you stop posting here.


@jimgar @grimalkina @asv

That's the real problem isn't it? Here or on Twitter. Those of us who just read your posts, don't usually come forward to say we value you because it doesn't seem like it should need saying.

There are many people who post under #science and I hope you all stay. I might not follow you by name but I do read your thoughts.

L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@grimalkina These came up back to back in my feed, and I feel the echoes across time.

T. T. Perry


Oh no! That's terrible! I hope you don't go. Your insights are very keen and I have been personally helped by reading your words here. But I do understand if that's the way things go. 😥


I do appreciate your writing here a lot. Just wanted to let you know. I understand your frustration.

Mark W. Alexander

I'm following you now and I promise not to be an asshat.

At least, not on purpose.

Jan :rust: :ferris:

@grimalkina I'm sorry to hear this.😢

Just want to let you know that I really enjoy your writing and insights.✨

fyrfli ​:bear_hugs:​

i hear you. i see you.

please don't leave. there are a ton more welcoming spaces on the fedi. we want you around.

Ricardo Harvin

@grimalkina Sadly, your assessment matches my experience but I hope you're able to escape their attention and stay.

In my opinion, it's much better here overall—taking everything into consideration—than any other available social media platform, but there are maddening aspects, as you've noted, that we're still having to deal with to make it better for everyone.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@grimalkina Yeah, it definitely is an issue here within the #Mastodon community (I am not sure why). I know #Misskey & #Pixelfed are friendlier & seems more celebratory while Mastodon is more…political…I guess that would be the correct word.


@darnell @grimalkina

I think the different parts of the #fediverse are fascinating.

#misskey is frothy and high energy. #mastodon is more serious. #pleroma is more anarchic.

I love that #diversity that #CHOICE


@grimalkina I'm very sorry to hear that you are on the receiving end of such crappy behavior.

Your feed looks really interesting and I've just followed you. As it happens I was struck just yesterday with your comment about the problem of motivating yourself by being hard on yourself. As someone who teaches self-compassion I thought you expressed that particularly clearly — better than I could have!

I'm looking forward to reading more of your insights.

Berna Devezer

@grimalkina Yes. That's why I stopped being active here. It's truly awful.


@devezer @grimalkina 🥺… My experience is a happy one… Sad yours isn’t. OTOH… I’m less erm… opinionated here. I do like the lack of ‘intrinsic self promotion’ and controlling my timeline. 😅

Berna Devezer

@Divorytaur @grimalkina I was so hopeful when I moved here. It went sour pretty quickly. I'm trying to believe it's not me 😅


@devezer @grimalkina 🤗 Well, there’s a ‘different crowd’. Communication dynamics are much closer. Comparable to how usenet used to be. People feel they own their little area of social medium. It may result in more personally involved discussions.
If anything… Reply guys are the more personally involved types of conversations and in a way a kind of Dunning Krüger on testo’s. This is a more intimate social medium. Besides… there are a lot of computer nerds around of the ‘know it all’ type. 😅


@devezer @grimalkina As such, I treat this medium likewise… More intimate. Good conversationalists and interesting sources get selected for my notifications list, which I treat as my timeline. I do sometimes check the general feed, but that’s also because of the bug contained by my app (ice cubes) counting notifications from the general timeline including those already read via the notifications list, doubling them until ‘downloaded’ on the general timeline too. 😅

Berna Devezer

@Divorytaur @grimalkina wow I've never found that intimacy here. maybe because I haven't invested enough to find a server I'd feel at home at. if anything, it's always felt cold and distant. and the reply guys kept coming out of nowhere 🤷🏻‍♀️


@devezer @grimalkina I don’t know if it needs to be server dependent. Perhaps one can’t really avoid it. 🤔 I chose the most general one (where it all started) but I mainly follow people I already know from my other social media (looked them up) and let this medium ‘grow’ slowly from there. That way it’s less server dependent.
I just like conversations on a topic more than discussions, which seems to work out for me here. 🙂 ‘X’ has become annoyingly corporate… just like facebook… and life…

Wigbert Boell 🎻🏛🎭🎤🗞🎥📚

@devezer @grimalkina

truly sorry to hear this !

the fediverse need all of you to make this an even more diverse & inclusive place, which is more welcoming - or at least respectful

Jonathan Kamens

@grimalkina I hope that you see at least some people besides you calling out the reply guys. I try to do it when I see it. Of course when you're the OP you see every single reply, whereas others only see a subset, so it hits you harder. 😒 Sorry.

Jon Sad but true, and sorry you're considering leaving but I certainly can understand why.

One option that might help is to move to a different instance. Many other instances have less sexist cultures, and "silence" and some of the other large badly-moderated instances where reply-guyism is so endemic ... both of those can help. That said it's still an issue no matter where you are.

Also, this relates to the conversation at ... I've heard more than one woman talking about how the reply guy problem here is worse than on other platforms. As is so often the case the technology amplifies the problem (the weirdnesses of federation means that you don't always know if somebody else has replied unless you check the original post), but the underlying issue is cultural. So framings like the one I was objecting to from that guy who said "Mastodon is friendlier than Twitter and will remain so, regardless of who and how many join" ignore this issue as well as the racial issues. And of course it's even worse at the intersections, Chanda for example is also a marginalized female scientist! Sad but true, and sorry you're considering leaving but I certainly can understand why.

One option that might help is to move to a different instance. Many other instances have less sexist cultures, and "silence" and some of the other large badly-moderated instances where reply-guyism is so endemic ... both of those can help. That said it's still an issue no matter where you are.


Jordan (Damn Good Tech) 4hire

@grimalkina I'm sorry. This just...definitely a lot of mixed feelings. Mostly anger.

Men, we need to do better!

☆⋆Okie Space Queen

@grimalkina yes it does and it's getting worse. Gave you a follow in case you are able to stick around but I totally get your feelings about leaving.

Damon Outlaw I’m sorry that this has been your experience. It’s situations like these why I get so annoyed at the daily testimonials about how much better Mastodon is than every other platform. There’s some serious flaws.
As long as people are people there will be issues. I do hope you can go somewhere your work is admired and you are protected.


I really hope you stay. And if you choose to move instances to one that does moderation stuff to keep people Like That out of your replies, I hope you find a great new home quickly.

FortunateFool Before you leave, consider giving a smaller server a chance. Or a server on Firefish. You can bring over your posts and followers, and you will still be federated..This might give you a better mix of content while limiting the reply guys you get on

I like or (which is thriving). And your recommended timeline will have content from and other large servers.


@grimalkina Good dudes of the Fediverse: You should know what to do here... When you see someone engaging in reply guy behavior, SLAP THEM DOWN! Don't force women to do it themselves because they have to do it already every moment of their lives.

This is How to be an Ally 101, and it applies across the board not only for this sort of thing but when you see racism, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism, etc. Don't leave victims hanging on their own. Don't just block the offender so you don't have to see it again. Get involved and help make the Fediverse better for everybody.

@grimalkina Good dudes of the Fediverse: You should know what to do here... When you see someone engaging in reply guy behavior, SLAP THEM DOWN! Don't force women to do it themselves because they have to do it already every moment of their lives.

This is How to be an Ally 101, and it applies across the board not only for this sort of thing but when you see racism, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism, etc. Don't leave victims hanging on their own. Don't just block the offender so you don't have...


@grimalkina That super sucks. I've seen some of this, but fortunately (for me) haven't been the target.

Do what's necessary to look after yourself. I hope it gets better.

PJ Coffey


So grim sorry you're having to put up with it.


@grimalkina I really want to apologize for my part in that discussion that took place over in another thread, though I do hope I did nothing to directly contribute to the problem at least. The post was meant to add a bit of levity to things, but it went a very wrong it seems.

Cat Hicks

@nazokiyoubinbou this is very kind hearted of you, but your particular reply was totally pleasant and I enjoyed it!


@grimalkina Glad to hear it. I was a bit worried that I sort of set the stage unintentionally so to speak. Glad to hear no harm done there.

Boss Bitch

@grimalkina Sorry to hear you're experiencing this. The world is full of men waiting mansplain things to women or have the last word. It's exhausting. You might have a better experience on a smaller instance. I run my own instance if you interested in making a switch let me know.


@grimalkina it does get better after you block them all, I promise 🤗


@grimalkina wow sorry this happened! What instance did this happen on? I've heard of the existence of bad moderation on certain instances, but in all the years I've been here I've never had that experience. I literally left Twitter and Facebook because of precisely what you are talking about, and I've never seen that here.

This is something I feel like learning more about. Do you have any info about this?

Dr. Robert M Flight

@grimalkina 😞

I want you here, and know we need your research, and the perspective you bring.

But I get that that isn't necessarily enough.


@grimalkina When in doubt, unlimber the ban hammer! Block, defederate, repeat.

Colin Hyzy

@Wingborn @grimalkina I misread that as "block, defenestrate, repeat."

Also an option.


@grimalkina I went digging in some of your threads. Yuck. No wonder you're feeling frustrated.

I feel like we need a social norm or hashtag to mark people as unable to contribute productively when the grownups are talking. #thinkorhush followed by the user. Follow the hashtag, review the comments of the person targeted, and add to your block list as needed.


@grimalkina been on mastodon since inception and don't take it personally but Twitter people seem to bring their own traumas here which is a different network for people on bleeding edge of things that might communicate differently.

I've been muting and blocking and saying goodbye to people with whom I don't feel like I'd have productive communication with and it takes some time to get used to but imo it works really well!


@grimalkina My white female and white male coworkers frequently told me that I didn't know my place. Lawyers, friends, coworkers tell me I was too sensitive and should not have complained. It's extremely toxic and narcissistic to support people who lack leadership skills and compassion. on top of that gaslight a struggling minority woman who is singing like a canary, telling on people. It'll be too late by the time the mine blows up.

Vivek V.S

@grimalkina , replying over here to just say. We are so much better as a Dev shop thanks to all research and learning you share on the social mediums.

I am also a week into this place. So, hoping your replies get better over here as well.


@grimalkina Having years of experience with setting up community websites for clients, I can tell you that people's behavior online is for the most part far from civilized. The first thing we did after going live with our instance was using days, blocking lots of individual accounts on other instances. In some cases blocking whole instances. We also tell our users that they can expect having to mute and block a lot of accounts themselves in the start in order to end up with a usable social feed.

Bob Harvey


I think that without active, and perhaps Draconian, moderation then any public forum can find itself afflicted by a variety of unpleasant creatures , such as are plaguing you .

When Mastodon was small, we could depend on site owners to moderate, though not all did. As it has grown moderation has become less effective.

The fault lies not in the platform, but in humans. Some of us are not very nice.

I hope you find a way forward.


@grimalkina And the following is going to make some people angry, but move to a smaller instance or an instance that is for people sharing similar interests. You'll be able to share some posts for viewing on that instance only so people across the fediverse that would react toxic have less chance demonstrating their lack of social skills. Smaller instances are easier to maintain and if handpicked by you, more friendly.

Eric the Cerise


( ... sigh ... )

I just found you.

Edit: I've nothing to compare to. People keep telling me this place is much better than Twitter, Threads, etc ... but that Bluesky is also much better than here.

I saw a wonderful analysis by @kissane a week ago, on why people leave here for Bluesky ... and my biggest takeaway was that all the top problems here, have been problems here since before I joined, 5+ years ago.

In 5+ years, we've fixed nothing here.


@grimalkina sorry you're experiencing this. Good luck out there.

Steve Lord

@grimalkina it's almost certainly related to being on I was on there for years and moderation got worse as it grew bigger. It federates with some of the worst instances. Finding a home that works for you is a chore and only you can decide if that's worthwhile on fedi or jumping to something else. Whatever happens I hope you find your fit.

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