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@devezer @grimalkina As such, I treat this medium likewise… More intimate. Good conversationalists and interesting sources get selected for my notifications list, which I treat as my timeline. I do sometimes check the general feed, but that’s also because of the bug contained by my app (ice cubes) counting notifications from the general timeline including those already read via the notifications list, doubling them until ‘downloaded’ on the general timeline too. 😅

Berna Devezer

@Divorytaur @grimalkina wow I've never found that intimacy here. maybe because I haven't invested enough to find a server I'd feel at home at. if anything, it's always felt cold and distant. and the reply guys kept coming out of nowhere 🤷🏻‍♀️


@devezer @grimalkina I don’t know if it needs to be server dependent. Perhaps one can’t really avoid it. 🤔 I chose the most general one (where it all started) but I mainly follow people I already know from my other social media (looked them up) and let this medium ‘grow’ slowly from there. That way it’s less server dependent.
I just like conversations on a topic more than discussions, which seems to work out for me here. 🙂 ‘X’ has become annoyingly corporate… just like facebook… and life…

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