@grimalkina@mastodon.social Sad but true, and sorry you're considering leaving but I certainly can understand why.

One option that might help is to move to a different instance. Many other instances have less sexist cultures, and "silence" mastodon.social and some of the other large badly-moderated instances where reply-guyism is so endemic ... both of those can help. That said it's still an issue no matter where you are.

@Bam@sfba.social @mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io @oliphant@oliphant.social, this relates to the conversation at https://sfba.social/@Bam/110838000098639805 ... I've heard more than one woman talking about how the reply guy problem here is worse than on other platforms. As is so often the case the technology amplifies the problem (the weirdnesses of federation means that you don't always know if somebody else has replied unless you check the original post), but the underlying issue is cultural. So framings like the one I was objecting to from that guy who said "Mastodon is friendlier than Twitter and will remain so, regardless of who and how many join" ignore this issue as well as the racial issues. And of course it's even worse at the intersections, Chanda for example is also a marginalized female scientist!