Youmu is your friend you've known forever who's genuinely very cool and you're glad you finally get to see more of but oh my god that girl she's dating... You want to grab your friend and be like "you're too good for her" but the last time you even suggested something like that she literally threatened you with a sword. Is she just being manipulated? Is there something you don't see? Well, you're glad she's here anyways, and hope her girlfriend doesn't come to your parties and eat your leftovers
reimu and marisa have been gay married for as long as you can remember. they break up and get back together every once in a while. marisa is seeing like 5 other people. reimu could be dating half the town if she could rein in her anger issues. if they ever TRULY broke up you think the world would crumble, but instead they just act like an old married couple