
If you're interested I remember a list of various queer organizations.

There's lambdalegal.org/ which is roughly the LGBTQ+ equivalent of the ACLU, and they're currently involved in a number of cases trying to block trans health care bans.

Longer term there's also a network of state level legislative advocacy groups. I'm in California so know about eqca.org/ but some searching turned up the national umbrella group equalityfederation.org/federat which includes links to all the various state level groups.

There's also a network of LGBT centers which frequently offer support groups and health care and may offer other services. In LA there's lalgbtcenter.org/ and the various centers umbrella group has a directory of local centers at lgbtqcenters.org/LGBTCenters/

Then there's been other industry level groups, like there's a group I remembered as "noglstep" which apparently rebranded as "Out to Innovate" which is a professional society and global community of LGBTQ+ students and professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."
oti.memberclicks.net/ which might be a useful for resource for us in various IT positions.