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Another Angry Woman

and furthermore, the prime minister who actually did fuck a pig did not do it due to a hostage situation, but as an initiation for a uni drinking society.

the other difference between the black mirror episode and the time the prime minister actually fucked a pig was that the pig david cameron actually fucked was dead.

Catherine is Tired

@stavvers wait now, that was really a thing that happened?

Another Angry Woman

@CatDragon yep, this is why the british are like that, this is our tier of scandals


@CatDragon @stavvers wow, sounds like Benjamin Franklin and the sex clubs. Political scandals are as American Apple Pie and the fecking pesticides which cause me to get allergic reactions. Try hard to wash them off still hits me.

Another Angry Woman

@joeziehmer @CatDragon I can fairly confidently say that none of your last five presidents have had sex with livestock, to the wide knowledge of the public.


@stavvers @CatDragon Trump is our wall of shame and it wouldn’t surprise any of us, if he’d of fathered Boris Johnson.


@stavvers @joeziehmer @CatDragon previous preso of US had had something with Russian delegation here in Helsinki, and I'm not sure sex with dead animal would be worse. But well...


@stavvers And we're here in the USA wishing our last president was only guilty of fucking a dead pig.

Another Angry Woman

so if you ever wonder why the british are so Like That, remember that in the last decade we have had five prime ministers and the objectively least terrible one was the one who actually fucked a pig to get into a posh club


@stavvers And that, of the five PMs, two were in the pig fucking club, along with one finance minister.

серафими многоꙮчитїи

@Nickiquote @stavvers The Americans coined "ratfucking" to describe the kind of underhanded offensive politicking you have to do to rule them. Maybe "pigfucking" can be the desperate upper class assimilation you have to do to be considered a "sensible" candidate for PM in the UK.

(KS is making progress here)

Martha Howell

@derwinmcgeary @Nickiquote @stavvers
I have always maintained that Boris Johnson is Posh Trump.


@stavvers One pig fucker prime minister <i>that we know of</i>



I like both your point and your HTML.

Jon Renaut

@stavvers sometimes y'all's politics makes me feel better about ours in the US and sometimes it doesn't. This time I'm honestly not sure

clacke: looking for something 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

@ellenor2000 @stavvers The bar wasn't "decent".

I thought "how could that possibly be true" and then I thought about the ones that came after and ... yeah ... "least terrible" tracks.


@stavvers kind of back and forth on cameron vs may and may i think was slightly less worse than cameron by sheer dint of she didn't really get much of anything done

Janne Moren

@Cube @stavvers
Also, May's postmortem interspecies copulation record is, as far as we know, better. Or worse, depending on where you stand on the matter.

Of course anything could have happened during a nighttime run through the fields. A deceased badger, a romantic moon, passion ignites, the music swells...


@jannem @Cube @stavvers my view is that Cameron is the slightly better. He brought us to the door of chaos, but at least had the decency (in the end) to go “yeah, I’m not doing that”. May (and others) got the job entirely on their commitment to knowingly destroy the country. (Whether they delivered anything seems irrelevant - I feel like a basic requirement for all PMs should be a desire not to ruin the country they’re in charge of.)


@stavvers I think it's important to clarify that it was the pig's mouth, not the bum, just so these naifs can have their imaginations ruined in an accurate fashion


@stavvers you’d *think* that necro-bestiality would form some kind of line that would cause one to question whether the club is worth joining.

Ben Todd


TBF, none of the others have been asked if they have. I fully expect at least one of them has violated a dead pig with his johnson.

Antifa Franklin 🇵🇸

@stavvers i liked the PM who killed the queen and stole all the bathrobes

Andrew 🄵 Lyons

@stavvers future historians will marvel at how anyone took this mad island seriously for as long as they did.

Chris Turnbow

I am so desperately hoping that you are engaging in satire, and a little terrified that you aren't


@cturnbow @stavvers one thing that i will always remember fondly about the birdsite is when this dropped and we all had what was termed (first by stavvers i think actually?) as "pigfuck christmas"

Chris Turnbow

@Cube @stavvers
Are you telling me that this really happened
I... wtf...

Antifa Franklin 🇵🇸

@stavvers please be accurate in your reporting the prime minister did not fuck a pig he merely inserted his presumably flaccid penis into the mouth of a pigs head in order to impress his bros (a society of cokehead failsons and aristocrats who trash restaurants for fun and sponsored bumfights).

I'm the fondude 🟥🟨

@beanclock @yaldi @stavvers like when you eat a large of amount of chocolate, this image started as fun, but by the I felt a bit sad.

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