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@seachanger you’re highlighting, IMO, one of the key challenges/issues with federation. Similar ideas/concepts can be surfaced across the fediverse, but not connected and amplified (to demonstrate support) because they’re decentralized and dispersed. It’s great to have democratization, but if there’s no simple way to aggregate or connect, then it’s less beneficial in the long run.

malena 👟👟

@kameka yeah and compounded by inability to text search. I think there are ways to solve these problems but as we see on every single major platform, leadership does not necessarily want the same things as the user base. In theory, we should be able to have more influence as users here but theory is not always praxis!


@seachanger in season 1 of social media, it was possible to “build it, and they will come” because it was a novelty. Unfortunately, for the new social media companies and platforms being built now, we’re in season 3 of social media. What users want is paramount to what companies and platforms want to build (especially since there is healthy competition for the same users). The past few weeks have been a live use case of this, IMO: Threads decreased engagement, Bluesky this week…

kuna While I agree with your broader point about the Fediverse, I think the invisibility of replies is something specific to how Mastodon (and similar server software like Pleroma, Misskey, and forks thereof) handle federation, but not forced by federation itself.

This can be already mitigated on the microblogging fedi by groups that create a bot that boosts everything posted to the group, making sure that everyone subscribed sees all replies. The forum (or reddit-like, as in Lemmy or Kbin) fedi bakes this into the software, by making the communities/magazines act as boosters of all replies. This doesn't work all that well with the microblogging apps, because while the guppe groups are somewhat manageable due to low traffic, if I (for example) subscribed to some moderately lively Beehaw communities, then my home timeline would be Beehaw upon Beehaw and nothing but Beehaw, most of it replies to post I don't care about. It would be nice to have something like an automated "silent boost" that just puts replies in my server for me to read at my own leisure, but not hammering my notifications and home timeline, but I don't know if this is in any way possible. While I agree with your broader point about the Fediverse, I think the invisibility of replies is something specific to how Mastodon (and similar server software like Pleroma, Misskey, and forks thereof) handle federation, but not forced by federation itself.

This can be already mitigated on the microblogging fedi by groups that create a bot that boosts everything posted to the group, making sure that everyone subscribed sees all...

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