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uh oh, RAM parity error. i'm hoping U676 isn't seated all the way and that it is an easy fix.

Darren replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I like how "WARNING" is all caps and "panic" is kept on the down-low with no caps.

I guess 'panic' has another meaning than what is coming to mind.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

that did the trick. the SIMM sockets were very stuck. welcome to S O L A R I S!

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

spoke too soon. another parity error, this time at U677. why there? because that's where i moved the module that was at U676. think i will just pull that bank of RAM for now.

Chris Gerhard :bt: replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime you just need to port solaris 10 to it and then as long as the memory error is not in kernel memory the process would be killed and the location blacklisted.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

it seems to run with 12MB RAM. no more parity errors this time. but now the installer hates my SCSI drive (a ZuluSCSI).

filesystem creation failed for / 🤔

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i bet it is this issue. basically the ZuluSCSI returns values for disk geometry that somehow confuses the Solaris partition tool. one solution is to use a real SCSI hard drive and then dd it over to the ZuluSCSI once the install is completed.

/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime damn, I wonder if it’s some kind of Mac-compatibility that’s breaking on SPARC?

Xenotar replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Try NetBSD, it can give better diagnostic messages, I think

Poul-Henning Kamp replied to Tube🍂Time


Many years ago I wrote a little tool called "scsi-ping" which gives you a working disktab entry for a SCSI disk.

It's still out there somewhere.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

zululog.txt has the smoking gun:

[996859ms] WARNING: Host used command 0x1A which is affected by drive geometry. Current settings are 63 sectors x 255 heads = 16065 but image size of 2097152 sectors is not divisible. This can cause error messages in diagnostics tools.

i think the solution here is to resize the disk image file so it is divisible by 63*255*512.

djb_rh replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime This all reminds me of my days with @Migueldeicaza helping him port Linux (him the kernel, me the rest of Red Hat) to the SPARC. The hardware had some idiosyncrasies but we USUALLY found them to all have fairly good reasons. Usually. My favorite thing was getting Linux to install to one from tape. AFAIK I’m the only person to ever do that.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

that wasn't the solution lol :blobsweats: there's no more zululog.txt error but the superblock isn't getting written correctly. 6D B6 DB 6D is the test pattern written by the format command. could be somehow corrupting it during the write?

🇺🇦 haxadecimal replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime 6D B6 DB is a worst-case test pattern for MFM encoding, so the NAND flash chips in your SD card must not have enough timing margin for the channel code.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

well, I broke down and put in a spinning rust disk. the installer is much happier now and is copying files.

Norman Wilson replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Did spinning Rust make things Go?

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

spinning rust refuses to boot when the SCSI ID is set to 0. I can set it to 1 and it will boot partway but the fstab is configured for 0 so it won't work.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

I imaged the drive using the ZuluSCSI initiator mode, but even with the ZuluSCSI the firmware refuses to boot from SCSI ID0. weird.

Brian Danger Hicks replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime the one part of the spinning rust drive you didn't want it to emulate

sam :pizza_pineapple: replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime might not be helpful, as it’s a fairly different machine, but I recently watched this video of someone getting a SPARCclassic up and running off a bluescsi v1, and they seemed to have a good reason to use scsi id 3

Norman Wilson replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I have a vague memory of some early Sun stuff usurping SCSI ID 0, but can't recall the details.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

yay it works now! i tried SCSI ID 1.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

so i tried placing a drive image at SCSI ID 3 and *it boots as SD(0,0,0)vmunix* wtaf lol. seems like Sun cheated and swizzled some SCSI IDs around.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

anyway. trying an older Solaris installer and it is really surprised at the date -- could it really be 10,405 days after 1995?

john spurling replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime the network is the computer, and the computer is a time machine

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

omfg they swizzled it 🤦‍♂️

nick replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime yeah so external drives used to ship with all the little jumpers off (ID=0) and if you plugged that into your Sun4 it wouldn't boot and then you'd call the service department ... so they wanted to make the main disk some other ID but everyone assumes the boot volume is sd0 ... so some evil genius came up with this plan.

The *good* external drives had a little pushbutton wheel thingy on the back to change their ID :-)

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

SunOS 4.1.4 says it can't possibly be the year 2023: "WARNING: preposterous time in filesystem -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!"

sorry SunOS, there's nothing i can do to fix 2023.

zarbet replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I booted a NeXTstation in Sep 2022 and just had to check whether I tweeted this preposterous message or tooted it. Didn't know SunOS does it too!
Thank you for the swizzle table, I'm sure I'll lose it but it's useful to me anyway.

spmatich :blobcoffee: replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I agree with the sun engineers. Why is something with a 20MHz CPU and 1gb of spinning rust (probs not the original, much more likely to ve 500MB) even powered on in 2023?

nick replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime The best bit about this message is that I guarantee you there are still Sun4s in production somewhere.

Zsolt replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime yours was the best account on Twitter, and now it’s the best account on Mastodon. Entertaining, and educational. Thank you for existing.

bob replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I've been putting off replacing the nvram in both my ipx machines :(

Hubert Figuière replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime they never thought it would run 30 years later...

Tim Makarios replied to Tube🍂Time

One day it'll be 2023.

1994: Bah! That's preposterous!

Reminds me of this comment in leapsecs.txt in libtai:

"Note for parsers: Negative leap seconds will probably never happen, but the year 10000 will happen. Please don't contribute to the Y10K problem."

Andre replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Does SunOS 4 still complain about a preposterous time after you've set the system clock to 2023?

Johannes Silverfox 🦊 replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Just seeing that terminal font made me think Solaris..I think it’s still being used in 11 or whatever they’re on now?

nick replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Oh, yeah, that rings a bell, zero and three are swapped in Sun4 ...

hayalci replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime ah it's great to see that lovely console font again.

Michael Thompson replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Isn't the boot drive SCSI ID set to 3 on early Sun systems?

yakkoj 🦊 replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime also you're more brave than I would be. I'd install SunOS 4, especially with only 12MB RAM. (I ran Solaris 2.5.1 back in the day, but it was on sun4u machines with at least 128MB RAM!)

Eric Carroll replied to Tube🍂Time

It has been years since I last saw
le0 no carrier log messages.

Thanks for that!

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